13.4.1 Staff Engaged in Food Handling and Processing Operations All personnel engaged in food sector packaging manufacture, handling, and storage operations shall comply with the following practices: Personnel working in or visiting food sector packaging manufacturing, handling, or storage operations shall ensure that:
13.5 Water, Ice, and Air Supply
13.5.1 Water Supply The use of non-potable water shall be controlled such that:
13.5.2 Water Quality Water shall comply with local, national, or internationally recognized potable water microbiological and quality standards as required when used for:
13.5.3 Air and Other Gases
13.6 Receipt, Storage, and Transport
13.6.1 Storage of Materials and Product
13.6.2 Storage and Use of Hazardous Chemicals and Toxic Substances Hazardous chemicals and toxic substances, including solvents and agents with the potential for contamination of food sector packaging, shall be: Storage of hazardous chemicals and toxic substances shall be: Hazardous chemicals and toxic substances shall be correctly labeled and: Employees who handle hazardous chemicals and toxic substances, including pesticides and cleaning chemicals, shall: The site shall dispose of obsolete inventory and empty containers of chemicals, pesticides, and toxic substances in accordance with site and regulatory requirements and ensure that: In the event of a hazardous chemical or toxic substance spill, the site shall:
13.6.3 Loading, Transport, and Unloading Practices