
Microsoft Dynamics 365 and MaintainX


  • Gain visibility into real-time parts usage and stock levels by syncing MaintainX and Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Prevent stockouts and unnecessary downtime waiting for parts
  • Proactively monitor inventory levels across multiple sites
  • Streamline your maintenance, finance, and procurement workflows
  • Increase accountability by accessing a digital audit trail of inventory changes
Key features
  • Automatically update quantities in Dynamics 365 when parts are restocked or used in work orders in MaintainX
  • Keep track of parts, with added context from photos, descriptions, costs, locations, and QR/barcodes
  • Set minimum inventory levels and get alerts when stocks run low
  • Streamline the process of initiating purchase orders, and approving and fulfilling them
  • Generate reports to make informed decisions on forecasting and capital expenditures

How it works


Connect with your dedicated account representative to understand your existing workflows and objectives for integrating MaintainX and Microsoft Dynamics 365.


Identify members of your team that will be part of the integration process — such as members of your Operations, Finance, and IT teams.


MaintainX can connect you with an experienced systems integrator (SI) to configure this integration. Scoping meetings will occur with your IT team and key internal stakeholders to fully understand your requirements and considerations, such as constraints and timing. Your SI will provide the cost and statement of work for your review.

Alternatively, your IT/Developer resource or third-party integration service provider can reference MaintainX’s API documentation and configure the Infor integration for you.


If you decide to move forward with this integration, work with your SI to test and validate it with your team. Start developing internal training material to set your users up for success.


MaintainX and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are now in sync. Your teams can access inventory levels in real time and keep critical parts on the shelf.


  • Must have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 plan.
  • Must have MaintainX's Enterprise Plan.


What is a systems integrator (SI), and why would I need one?

A systems integrator (SI) is a third-party expert who configures and connects different software systems to work seamlessly together exactly when you need it.

Can I configure the integration myself, or is an SI required?

Yes, you can. We provide comprehensive API documentation that your IT/developer resource or a third-party integration service provider can use to configure your ERP integration.

Microsoft Dynamics 365
Take control of your parts inventory with MaintainX and Microsoft Dynamics 365
Gain visibility into parts usage, with up-to-date quantities and a digital audit trail in MaintainX and Dynamics 365. Eliminate critical parts shortages and streamline the purchasing process across all sites.
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Screenshot of MaintainX application showing asset onlineScreenshot of MaintainX application in mobile app showing assets