Resetting the Pumps at the Beginning of the Day - Factory Talk
A test ground fault needs to be performed on all pumps and reset before pumps can turn on for the day. When pumps are set to Auto. Testing with simulated fault current offers a way of explaining the functioning of the relay, sensor and shunt trip and the sufficiency of the control power supply.
Resetting the Pumps at the Beginning of the Day - Factory Talk
A test ground fault needs to be performed on all pumps and reset before pumps can turn on for the day. When pumps are set to Auto. Testing with simulated fault current offers a way of explaining the functioning of the relay, sensor and shunt trip and the sufficiency of the control power supply.
Activate test ground fauly from factory talk
Perform Test on Pump 1-7
Reset Pumps on Pumps
Reset Pumps on Factory Talk
Source: Whitewater-Paddlesports (Community Member)