
Kitchen Safety Inspection Checklist

This procedure inspects the area, equipment, machinery, other materials and safety know how of employees in the kitchen.

Kitchen Safety Inspection Checklist

This procedure inspects the area, equipment, machinery, other materials and safety know how of employees in the kitchen.

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    Kitchen waste materials stored in metal containers with tightfitting lids kept in designated areas and removed by carts to compactor or dumpster?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Operable automatic dry-chemical extinguishing system in hood and duct above ranges, grills and fat fryers?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Extinguishing heads capped to prevent a cooking build up?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Extinguishing system’s manual pull switches located away from cooking equipment?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Extinguishing system(s) has a semi-annual service contract with qualified firm

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Fuel supply for cooking equipment has an automatic shut-off valve when extinguishing system activates?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Deep-fat fryer units controlled and provided with hightemperature shut-offs; overflow gutters provided?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Filters in exhaust system(s) cleaned at least daily?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Exhaust system(s) cleaned at least quarterly by qualified service contractor?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Floors adjacent to deep-fat fryers dry and free of grease?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Floors around sink mopped dry?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Knives placed in sheaths when not in use?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Proper guards in place and used with meat-slicing machines?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Slicing, Cutting and Chopping Machines

      Are the guards in place and the machine properly set to operate?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      Is the immediate area clear around all equipment used for cutting, slicing or chopping before operating equipment?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      When operating equipment do you keep your attention on the job and refrain from talking?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      Never place your fingers in the cutting chute; do you always use the plunger provided?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      If the machine jams, shut off the power immediately and use a wooden push stick to free the blades of obstructions

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      Before cleaning the cutting or rotation surface of the foregoing machines are you positive the power source has

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      If the machines are not functioning properly, do you stop operation and notify the instructor immediately?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      Do you always return the slicing machine table to the zero position when you have finished using the machine to prevent injury during clean-up?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      When using chopping or slicing attachments on the mixing machine do you make sure the attachment is firmly fixed in the correct operating position and the guard is in place?

      • Pass
      • Flag
      • Fail

      Meat Saws

        Before starting a machine do you make sure the guards are in place and the machine is properly set to operate?

        • Pass
        • Flag
        • Fail

        Is the floor area immediately around a machine kept clean and uncluttered?

        • Pass
        • Flag
        • Fail

        Before using do you adjust all guards to proper height and distance for the specified cutting operation to be performed before using?

        • Pass
        • Flag
        • Fail

        Do not put your fingers in the immediate vicinity of the blade

        • Pass
        • Flag
        • Fail

        Do you feed the meat into the blade with the pusher provided?

        • Pass
        • Flag
        • Fail

        Is a Kevlar glove provided?

        • Pass
        • Flag
        • Fail

        Fire Protection and Prevention

        Fire Extinguishers

          Proper number and type(s) of fire extinguishers charged and tagged to show last service date?

          • Pass
          • Flag
          • Fail

          Fire extinguishers properly wall-mounted, identified and adequately accessible for hazard involved?

          • Pass
          • Flag
          • Fail

          Employees trained in proper use of extinguishers and manual operation of dry-chemical system protecting cooking equipment?

          • Pass
          • Flag
          • Fail


            Sprinkler system control valves secured in open position?

            • Pass
            • Flag
            • Fail

            Minimum of 18 inches clearance between stock storage and sprinkler heads?

            • Pass
            • Flag
            • Fail

            Clear space of three feet around sprinkler system’s main control valve?

            • Pass
            • Flag
            • Fail

            Water pressure indicated on sprinkler system’s lower gauge?

            • Pass
            • Flag
            • Fail

            Sprinkler system(s) periodically tested and maintained; written records kept on premises?

            • Pass
            • Flag
            • Fail

            General Fire Safety

              Employees instructed in evacuation procedures for both customers and employees?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Instructions prominently posted for reporting fire and calling Fire Department?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Electrical Equipment

              All electrical equipment properly grounded, portable electrical equipment and extension cords have a ground prong?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Breaker switches properly marked?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Electrical panel boxes have doors closed, clear area of 30 inches in front of boxes?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Switches, switch boxes, outlets and wiring inspected periodically and deficiencies corrected?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Storage Areas

              Stock properly and securely stacked; stored on racks, shelves or pallets?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Good housekeeping maintained, aisles clear, storage room orderly, floors free of debris, storage has proper clearances from hot-water heater and sprinklers?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Shelving and racks in good repair and secured to avoid tipping?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Cold-storage and Refrigeration Equipment

              Refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors clean, well ventilated, kept clear of combustibles?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Walk-in cooler and freezer doors provided with operable interior-release mechanism?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              When restocking, new stock placed at rear and old stock moved up front for use first?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Recommended holding times for food followed?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Floors and Walking Surfaces

              Floor free from food spillage, silverware, broken glassware, loose mats, torn carpets or other hazards?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Portable signs indicate wet-mopped floors or temporary hazards?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Stair treads equipped with abrasive strips or other nonskid surface?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Outdoor walkways checked frequently for, tripping hazards; made promptly?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Indoor-outdoor carpeting or other type of mat provided at entrance doors in inclement weather?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Changes in interior elevations properly illuminated?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail


              Exits properly marked, illuminated and unobstructed; doors kept unlocked during hours of operation or equipped with panic bars?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Non-exit doors (to rest room area, kitchen, closets, etc) identified properly?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Secure handrails on all stairs and steps?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Exterior Areas

              Paths and parking lot well illuminated?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Steps, ramps, grounds, parking lot in good repair, free of holes or obstruction, well illuminated?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Snow and ice promptly removed from parking lot and all surfaces, when necessary?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              General Safe Practices

              Pest control services performed by a licensed, independent extermination contractor?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Are substances used approved for use in food establishments?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Heimlich Maneuver posters in plain view; employees trained, required by law?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Fully equipped first-aid kit available at all times; at least one on each shift trained in its use?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Certificates of insurance required from all servicing contractors and suppliers?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Emergency telephone numbers for police and emergency medical services prominently posted?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Dishes and utensils taken out of service and discarded when chipped, cracked or broken?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail


              Cash registers emptied and left open during non-operating hours?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Cash drawers skimmed frequently to reduce the cash in each drawer?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Bank deposits made at least twice daily with varying times and routes?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Combination to safe changed after turnover of moneyhandling personnel?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Back door equipped with a panic lock so it can be kept locked at all times, equipped with hinge pins?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail

              Cash register tallies checked against deposits daily; other checks used to detect employee dishonesty?

              • Pass
              • Flag
              • Fail


              Describe specific conditions to be corrected


              Source: MaintainX (Community Member)

              Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.