Hazard Communication Inspection Checklist
This checklist covers hazard communication regulation to ensure that health and safety information about hazardous chemicals is transmitted to affected employees.
Hazard Communication Inspection Checklist
This checklist covers hazard communication regulation to ensure that health and safety information about hazardous chemicals is transmitted to affected employees.
Worksite Name:
Worksite Location:
Inspected by:
Written Program
Does your agency have a written hazard communication policy/program?
Have you read and understood the requirements for the written program?
Have you documented who will compile the chemical inventory and keep it current?
Has the chemical inventory been compiled and kept current?
Have you documented who has responsibility for obtaining/maintaining SDS’s?
Is a procedure in place for the review of SDS's of new products, before they are purchased, to determine the presence of carcinogenic or other extremely hazardous chemicals?
Has the method of informing employees of the chemical hazards of performing nonroutine tasks been documented?
Has the method of informing onsite contractors of the hazardous materials stored or used on site, SDS’s, and procedures for working safely around these chemicals been documented?
Has a method of assuring information related to hazardous materials introduced into the work by contractors and service organization included within your program?
Has a method been established of informing building occupants of hazardous material usages/construction activities to which they may be exposed/ inconvenienced included within the program?
Does the written program describe how the requirements for labels and other forms of warning, SDS’s, and employee information and training are going to be met?
Is the written program made available to employees and their designated representatives?
Labeling and Other Forms of Warning
Has someone been designated to assure that labels are legible, in English and prominently displayed on containers that you receive?
Is there an audit system to periodically check for labels that may have fallen off or become unreadable?
If you do any re-labeling, does the labeling system clearly convey the chemical name and hazard warning?
Does each hazard warning contain “target organ effects”?
Are employees informed of the hazards associated with chemicals contained in unlabeled pipes in their work areas?
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Do you have a material safety data sheet (SDS’s) for each hazardous chemical used in your agency?
Are the SDS’s in English? (You may obtain copies in other languages as well)
Have you evaluated your SDS’s for obvious inaccuracies such as missing information?
Are SDS’s located in an area where they are immediately available to workers on all shifts?
Is there a system in place for auditing the SDS books?
Is there a system in place to ensure that SDS’s are received with every new chemical that is brought into the work place?
Are old SDS’s replaced with updated sheets when they are received?
Are SDS’s or at least key information from them retained for at least 30 years?
Employee Training
Have you selected a responsible person to do the training who is knowledgeable in hazard communication as well as familiar with the specific chemicals?
Are all employees given training on general chemical hazards?
Have you identified and trained those employees who must receive detailed training based on actual or potential exposure?
Are employees trained at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new chemical is introduced?
Does the training explain how the hazard communication program is implemented in the workplace?
Are employees taught how to read and interpret information on labels and the SDS’s
Are employees told how they can obtain and use the available hazard information?
Does the training include measures employees can take to protect themselves from the hazards?
Have employees been trained on what to do if they find an unlabeled container or no SDS for a product in the workplace?
Does training include information on the existence of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and the requirements of the standard?
Does the training include information on operations in work areas where hazardous chemicals are present?
Does training include methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical?
Is all training documented, including a brief description of the training and trainer’s name, and retained for a minimum of 30 years?
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Information: Has the employee been informed of the following?
The requirements of this section.
Any operation in the work area where hazardous substances are present.
The location of the written Hazard Communication Program.
Availability of the written program
Location and availability of hazardous substances list(s).
Location and availability of Material Safety Data Sheets.
Training: Has the employee been trained in the following?
Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of hazardous substances in the work areas
The physical and health hazards of the substances in the work areas.
How employees can protect themselves from these hazards.
Procedures the employer has implemented for employee protection.
Appropriate work practices.
Emergency procedures.
Personal protective equipment to be used.
Explanation of labeling systems.
Explanation of material safety data sheets.
How employees can obtain and use appropriate hazard information.
Personal hygiene when working with substances.
General first aid for contact with hazardous substances.
Employee's Signature
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Manager's Signature
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)