
IVP Bi-Yearly Preventive Maintenance

The regular bi-yearly inspection and maintenance for IVP equipment covers the following: tools and parts, splice profile check, vacuum valve cleaning, and cleanup.
Pacific Seafood - Woodland

IVP Bi-Yearly Preventive Maintenance

The regular bi-yearly inspection and maintenance for IVP equipment covers the following: tools and parts, splice profile check, vacuum valve cleaning, and cleanup.

    Tools and Parts [Herramientas y Partes]

    Tools and parts needed for this PM [Herramientas y piezas necesarias para este PM]

    Splice Profile Check [Comprobación del perfil de empalme]

    Check if the rubber profile in the clamping bar of the splice table is damaged [Compruebe si el perfil de goma de la barra de sujeción de la mesa de empalme está dañado].

    • RubberProfile.png
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Vacuum Valve Cleaning [Limpieza de válvulas de vacío]

    • VacuumValveTopBolts.png
    • VacuumValveBackBolts.png

    Cleanup [Limpiar]

Source: Pacific Seafood - Woodland (Community Member)

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