
Hyster H40-60XT (A380) Warehouse Forklift Maintenance Schedule: Every 8 Hours or Daily

Use this recommended maintenance checklist for the for inspection, lubrication, and maintenance for your lift truck. The service intervals are given in both operating hours recorded on the lift truck hour meter, and in calendar time. Use the interval that occurs first.

Hyster H40-60XT (A380) Warehouse Forklift Maintenance Schedule: Every 8 Hours or Daily

Use this recommended maintenance checklist for the for inspection, lubrication, and maintenance for your lift truck. The service intervals are given in both operating hours recorded on the lift truck hour meter, and in calendar time. Use the interval that occurs first.

    The Maintenance Schedule has time intervals for inspection, lubrication, and maintenance for your lift truck. The service intervals are given in both operating hours recorded on the lift truck hour meter, and in calendar time. Use the interval that occurs first.

    How to Make Checks With the Engine Stopped

    Tires and Wheels

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.15.27AM.png

    Mast, Carriage, Header Hoses, Lift Chains, and Attachment

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    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.18.47AM.png

    Operator Restraint System

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.24.41AM.png

    Legend for Figure 16

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.41.19AM.png

    Legend for Figure 17

    Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)

    When the ELR style seat belt is properly buckled across the operator, the belt will permit slight operator repositioning without activating the locking mechanism. If the truck tips over, travels off a dock, or comes to a sudden stop, the locking mechanism will be activated and hold the operator's lower torso in the seat. See Figure 16.

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.24.41AM.png

    A seat belt that is damaged, worn, or does not operate properly will not provide protection when it is needed. The end of the belt must fasten correctly in the latch. The seat belt must be in good condition. Replace the seat belt if it is damaged or worn.

    NOTE: The following seat belt operation checks must be performed three times before replacing the seat belt assembly.

    Hood and Seat Latches

    Engine Compartment

    Ground Static Strap

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.47.49AM.png

    Legend for Figure 18

    Fuel, Oil, and Coolant Leaks, Check

    Hydraulic Hoses

    Coolant Hoses


    Hydraulic System Oil

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at8.56.38AM.png

    Legend for Figure 19

    Engine Oil

    There is an indicator light for the engine oil pressure on the Dash Display. During normal operation the red indicator light will illuminate when the key switch is turned to ON and will stay illuminated until correct oil pressure is obtained, at which time the light will go off.

    If the light continues to stay on when the engine is running, the engine oil pressure is low. Stop the engine and check the oil level. See Figure 20, Figure 21, Figure 22, and Figure 23. DO NOT restart the engine until the low pressure condition has been corrected.

    Legend for Figure 20. Yanmar 2.6L Diesel Engine Maintenance Points

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.29.02AM.png

    Legend for Figure 21. Yanmar 3.3L Diesel Engine Maintenance Points

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    Figure 22. PSI 2.4L LPG Engine Maintenance Points

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    Figure 23. PSI 2.4L Bi-Fuel Engine Maintenance Points

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.33.35AM.png

    Air Filter

    The air filter canister should not be opened until an air filter element replacement is required. An air filter element replacement is required when one of the following occurs:

    DO NOT operate the lift truck until the air filter element has been replaced.


    Forks, Remove

    NOTE: Forks are to be replaced only in sets and not individually.

    Figure 24. Fork Positioner Prior to December, 2016

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.38.52AM.png

    Figure 25. Fork Positioner After December, 2016

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.40.19AM.png

    Figure 26. Remove a Hook Fork

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    Forks, Inspect

    Never repair damaged forks by heating or welding. Forks are made of special steel using special procedures. Replace damaged fork. Forks are to be replaced only in sets and not individually.

    Inspect fork wear. Ensure heel wear is not more than 10% of original thickness. if fork wear is more than 10%, fork must be replaced or rerated. Perform fork wear inspection using a BOL256N1 caliper ruler Hyster P/N 4092984 as follows. See Figure 28.

    Figure 27. Forks Check

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.44.31AM.png

    Figure 28. Fork Wear

    • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.45.54AM.png

      Forks, Install

      NOTE: Forks are to be replaced only in sets and not individually.

      NOTE: If lift truck is not equipped with a fork positioner, go to Step 1. If lift truck is equipped with fork positioner, go to Step 2.

      Forks, Adjust

      NOTE: During the adjustment of the forks, the heel of the forks should not be touching the ground.

      The forks are connected to the carriage by hooks and lock pins. See Figure 26 and Figure 29. The lock pins are installed through the top fork hooks and fit into slots in the top carriage bar. If pin does not remain engaged in carriage slot, replace with new pin. Adjust the forks as far apart as possible for maximum support of the load. Hook forks will slide along the carriage bars to adjust for the load to be lifted. Raise the lock pin in each fork to slide the fork on the carriage bar. Make sure the lock p

      Brake Fluid

      • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.51.52AM.png

      Legend for Figure 30

      How to Make Checks With the Engine Running

      Indicator Lights, Horn, Fuses, and Relays

      • Screenshot2021-06-29at9.53.54AM.png

      Legend for Figure 31

      Service Brakes

      Loss of fluid from the brake fluid reservoir indicates a leak. Repair the brake system before using the lift truck. Replace the brake fluid in the system if there is dirt, water, or oil in the system.

        Operation, Check

        Parking Brake

        If the operator leaves the seat without setting the parking brake and the key is in the OFF position for a period of 3 minutes or less, an audible alarm will sound for 1 minute.

          Engine Oil Pressure

          Cooling System

          • Screenshot2021-06-29at10.00.55AM.png

          Legend for Figure 32.

          Steering System

          Make sure the steering system operates smoothly and provides good steering control. Make sure the steering column can be adjusted and the gas cylinder function is correct.

            Control Levers and Pedals

            Lift System Operation

            Perform the following checks and inspections:

            How to Add Fuel to the Lift Truck

            Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

            LPG Tank, Removal:

            Figure 33. LPG Tank and Bracket

            • Screenshot2021-06-29at10.28.10AM.png

            LPG Tank, Fill

            LPG Tank, Install

            Gasoline and Diesel Fuel

            Wheels and Tires


            This series of lift trucks have pneumatic tires or solid rubber tires that look like pneumatic tires. These variations in tires also cause a variation in the types of wheels and the disassembly and assembly procedures.

          Source: MaintainX (Community Member)

          Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.