Cannabis Safety Checklist
This safety checklist will help you ensure that your cannabis is safe and clean for use.
Cannabis Safety Checklist
This safety checklist will help you ensure that your cannabis is safe and clean for use.
Toilet and hand washing facilities plumbed to the state plumbing code, in good repair, and conveniently located.
Self-closing doors that do not open directly into a room where foods are exposed for sale.
Public does not pass through food preparation, storage, or utensil washing areas.
Dish washing facilities
Commercial dishwasher or a 3-compartment sink large enough to immerse most equipment and utensils
Adequate drain boards, racks, or utensil tables for storage and handling of soiled utensils.
Adequate racks/tables for air drying of sanitized utensils and equipment.
Hand washing facilities
Properly plumbed hot and cold water.
Hand soap and single-serve towel dispensers
Garbage can.
Hand sink located to allow convenient use by employees in food prep, food dispensing, and dish washing areas in addition to hand sink identified above.
Garbage containers, dumpsters, and compactor systems located outside are on or above a smooth surface of nonabsorbent material that is kept clean and in good repair.
Wastewater from these units flows into a sanitary sewer, not into storm drains.
Easily cleanable, smooth, and of tight construction.
Nonabsorbent materials.
If subject to flood-type cleaning, floors are sloped to drain with drains compliant with Oregon Plumbing Code.
Joints at wall/floor junctions coved and sealed.
Walls and ceilings
Surface of walls and ceilings in all display, storage, and processing/preparation rooms in good repair, of a light color, and smooth and easily cleanable.
Food storage
Separated from chemicals
Packages and ingredients 6 inches off of the floor.
Outside openings protected from entry of rodents.
Outside openings protected from entry of insects by tight fitting, self-closing doors, closed windows, screening, controlled air currents, or other means.
Screens for windows and other openings to the outside are tight fitting and free of breaks. Screen material not less than 16 mesh to the inch.
Permanently fixed artificial light sources installed to provide at least 50-foot candles (540 lux) of light on all food preparation surfaces and at ware-washing work levels.
Light bulbs, fixtures, skylights, or other glass fixtures suspended over exposed foods, and over equipment cleaning and storage facilities, are either shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter resistant.
Sufficient ventilation in all rooms so they are free of excessive heat, steam, condensation, vapors, obnoxious odors, smoke, and fumes
Ventilation systems installed and operated according to law and when vented to the outside do not create a harmful or unlawful discharge
All systems comply with State Fire Marshal codes.
Equipment installation
Installed as movable or designed to be cleaned in place (CIP).
Storage shelves are smooth, impervious, easily cleanable, and 6 inches off the floor.
No unfinished wood.
Free of shrubs, vegetation, debris, and equipment around the exterior of the building to prevent harboring of pests.
Separate storage area for mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies.
Mop/utility sink installed.
Adequate clothing, lockers and/or dressing rooms for storage of soiled linens, clothes, and employees’ personal items (shoes, coats, bags, etc.).
Plan review requirements for retail/dispensary stores
Contents of the plans and specifications:
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)