Quikrete: Q1 Internal Bag Houses - Weekly
Baghouse dust collector maintenance is important to ensure that the system lasts for a long time. Regular maintenance can help to identify issues before they become serious, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs. This helps to keep the system running smoothly and efficiently, saving money in the long run.
Quikrete: Q1 Internal Bag Houses - Weekly
Baghouse dust collector maintenance is important to ensure that the system lasts for a long time. Regular maintenance can help to identify issues before they become serious, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs. This helps to keep the system running smoothly and efficiently, saving money in the long run.
Safety (La seguridad)
Did you follow all LOTO procedures? ¿Seguiste todos los procedimientos de LOTO?
Did you use all PPE required? ¿Usó todo el PPE requerido?
Machine Hours (Meter Reading). Horas de la máquina (lectura del medidor)
PM Procedures
Task Description (Descripción de la tarea)
Does this equipment pass your inspection? ¿Este equipo pasa su inspección?
Additional comments or reason additional work is needed? ¿Comentarios adicionales o por qué se necesita trabajo adicional?
Add pictures as needed (additional pictures can be placed in the comments section). Agregue imágenes según sea necesario (se pueden colocar imágenes adicionales en la sección de comentarios)
Add or drag pictures
Source: SDF - Quikrete (Community Member)