
Reset Automatic Thermostat Control for the Summer Season

It is important to reset your thermostat from time to time, especially if it fails to regulate temperatures or it stops working for reasons other than the power supply. A complete factory reset is also necessary if your thermostat does not work even after a battery change. Create 5 settings for each part of the day to complete 24-hour cycle
James T Earl DBA Earl Flux & Gamma HOME IMPROVEMENT

Reset Automatic Thermostat Control for the Summer Season

It is important to reset your thermostat from time to time, especially if it fails to regulate temperatures or it stops working for reasons other than the power supply. A complete factory reset is also necessary if your thermostat does not work even after a battery change. Create 5 settings for each part of the day to complete 24-hour cycle

    step#1 Set temp to 65 deg F for 0500am to 09am

    step #2. set 60 deg from 11:00 am to 4:30pm weekdays

    Step#3. 16:30hrs- 2200hrs 65 deg F weekdays

    step#4 22:00hrs to 0700am set to 71 deg that's the most common temp for comfort at night for summertime in July

    inspection of thermostat Device display showing new figures that are in approval of automatic temperature control program is processing new heating & a/c schedule.

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    • Fail

Source: James T Earl DBA Earl Flux & Gamma HOME IMPROVEMENT (Community Member)

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