
General Work Order

Conducting regular and thorough safety inspections can help prevent more serious health problems. A food safety checklist is a simple yet powerful tool that helps food safety and quality personnel to ensure that food quality standards are being met and complied with.
Pacific Seafood - Woodland

General Work Order

Conducting regular and thorough safety inspections can help prevent more serious health problems. A food safety checklist is a simple yet powerful tool that helps food safety and quality personnel to ensure that food quality standards are being met and complied with.

    Before Work

    Food Safety [Food Safety]

    Does your work present a potential food safety hazard [¿Su trabajo presenta un peligro potencial para la seguridad alimentaria?]

    if the answer is "oneOf [Using tools or parts near open product. [Usar herramientas o piezas cerca de productos abiertos.],Working on or above a food contact surface. [Trabajar sobre o encima de una superficie de contacto con alimentos.],Using chemicals near open product. [Usar productos químicos cerca de productos abiertos.,Working on the metal detectors or ink jets. [Trabajando en detectores de metales o chorros de tinta.]]"

    Safety [Seguridad]

    Will the job require you to work with any of the following [¿El trabajo requerirá que usted trabaje con alguno de los siguientes?]:

    if the answer is "oneOf [With or near moving mechanical components [Con o cerca de componentes mecánicos en movimiento].,With or near pneumatic components [Con o cerca de componentes neumáticos],With or near electrical components [Con o cerca de componentes eléctricos].]"

    Can the work be down with the machine off? [¿Se puede realizar el trabajo con la máquina apagada?]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"

    If you have to bypass a safety to troubleshoot the machine, then do the following [Si tiene que pasar por alto un dispositivo de seguridad para solucionar problemas de la máquina, haga lo siguiente]:

    Do the following to create a safe work environment [Haga lo siguiente para crear un ambiente de trabajo seguro]:

    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    Complete a full Lockout Tagout of the machine [Complete un bloqueo y etiquetado completo de la máquina.]

    Issue Description [descripcion del problema]

    Briefly describe the issue. Include any error codes the machine is giving. [Describe brevemente el problema. Incluya cualquier código de error que esté dando la máquina.]

    Take a picture of the issue if it makes sense to do so. [Tome una fotografía del problema si tiene sentido hacerlo.]

    Add or drag pictures

    After Maintenance Work is Complete

    Safety [Seguridad]

    Did the work involve any potential safety hazards? [¿El trabajo implicó algún riesgo potencial para la seguridad?]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    QA Sign Off

    Did the work present a potential food safety hazard? [¿Presentó el trabajo un peligro potencial para la seguridad alimentaria?]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    Are there QA staff on site to inspect work area? [¿Hay personal de control de calidad en el sitio para inspeccionar el área de trabajo?]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"

    Take pictures of the work area for our records. [Tome fotografías del área de trabajo para nuestros registros.]

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    VCQ signature [Firma VCQ]:

    Click here to sign

    Maintenance Signature [Firma de mantenimiento]

    Click here to sign

    Solution Recap

    Briefly describe how the issue was fixed [Describe brevemente cómo se solucionó el problema.]

    Take a picture of the solution if it makes sense to do so. [Tome una fotografía de la solución si tiene sentido hacerlo.]

    Add or drag pictures
Source: Pacific Seafood - Woodland (Community Member)

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