
Correction Template

This procedure serves as a standardized format for documenting and rectifying errors across all work orders.
Miscellaneous Shop - Amfab

Correction Template

This procedure serves as a standardized format for documenting and rectifying errors across all work orders.

    Pictures of before the repair to show what the issue was.

    Add or drag pictures

    Equipment locked out?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A

    Complaint - Verify the issue they are having and describe below

    Cause - What caused the issue.

    Correction - How did you correct the issue.

    Notes if not completed. Put none if repair was completed.

    Pictures of the corrected repair to show complete.

    Add or drag pictures

    Lock out removed?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
Source: Miscellaneous Shop - Amfab (Community Member)

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