Penetrometer Bath Verification Record
Procedure ACMP-OP-029: Use this procedure in making sure your Penetrometer is calibrated and gives your accurate readings.
Penetrometer Bath Verification Record
Procedure ACMP-OP-029: Use this procedure in making sure your Penetrometer is calibrated and gives your accurate readings.
Verified By
Identification No.
Serial No.
Verification Equipment Used
Pen Bath
Serial number for thermometer (ASTM: 17C, 17F, 63C, 63F, 64C, 64F)
Bath capable of maintaining a temperature of 25 +/- 0.1 degree C or any other within +/- 0.1 degree C or 0.2 degree F
0.5 hr @ temp
Bath set point
Thermometer reading
1.0 hr @ temp
Bath set point
Thermometer reading
1.5 hr @ temp
Bath set point
Thermometer reading
Pen Bath
Bath has a perforated shelf supported in a position no less than 50 mm from the bottom and not less than 100 mm below the liquid level in the bath
Use of distilled water
Transfer Dish
Does transfer dish have the capacity of at least 350 ml and of sufficient depth of water to cover the large sample container
Does it provide means for a firm bearing and preventing rocking of the container (3 legged stand with 3 point contact)
Maintenance as needed
Change of water
Action recommended
Source: Ergon - Lubbock 14842 (Community Member)