Vendor Audit Questionnaire
Vendor Audit Questionnaire
Vendor Company Name:
Supplier Site Address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
E Mail:
Supplier Business Address (if different):
Phone No:
Fax No:
E Mail:
Material supplied to Sydco, covered by this questionnaire:
Is the Company a division/subsidiary of another corporation?
If Yes, Please Specify
This questionnaire was completed by:
Job Title:
Management Responsibility
Is an organization chart available? If yes, please enclose a copy.
Are there any written job descriptions defining each individuals responsibilities
How many shifts of operation are there in the Production Area?
How many shifts of operation are there in QC Laboratory?
Approximately how many employees do you have?
Site total
To whom does the QA/QC Manager report?
Does the company have a policy on EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety)?
Does the company have a policy on Quality?
Who is responsible for contacts with Sydco with regards to the following areas:
Are subcontractors (if used), used for significant steps or components in Preparation of Sydco¶s products?
The term subcontractors includes both contracted operations within Production and the Laboratory
If ³Yes´, please list and explain:
Can you please provide full Supply chain(s) for the referenced material(s) (i.e. Manufacturer, Testers, Providers of C of A / C of C, Packers / Repackers and Storage & Distribution)
If Yes´, please list & explain:
Quality Management System
What is the basis of your quality system, i.e. ISO?
Please state your Certificate/Registration reference and appropriate dates:
Have any regulatory agencies inspected your facility in the last five years?
If µYes¶, by whom, when and what were the results?
Are all procedures documented and approved?
Are there change control procedures in place?
Is there a procedure to notify customers of change?
Are QA/QC responsibilities well defined and independent?
Does QA/QC approve all analytical specifications and methods?
How is a batch (standard quantity) defined?
What is the batch numbering system? (Please explain in detail)
Do you assign shelf/expiry/retest-lives for all materials (incoming & produced)?
If Yes, please provide details.
Which department reviews and approves production procedures?
Are reference samples retained?
If Yes, for how long?
For how long are records retained?
Is there a self-audit program?
Incoming Goods
Is a list of approved suppliers used?
Is there a documented procedure for approval of suppliers?
Does this include audit of suppliers?
If bulk tankers are used, are they dedicated?
If not, is a cleaning certificate required?
Is there a system for monitoring or reviewing suppliers¶ performance?
Are there documented procedures for: - Inspecting material
Are there documented procedures for: - Testing material
Are established Purchase Specifications used?
What is the basis for acceptance of raw materials, i.e. testing, receipt of suppliers C of A or both?
Is a sampling plan in place?
Is a testing plan in place?
Are storage facilities/equipment/ rented or personnel contracted?
If ³Yes´, please provide details.
Are receipt and release procedures documented?
Is the supply chain documented?
How is material status controlled? (i.e. Physical, system or labelling)
How is rejected material controlled? (i.e. Physical, system or labelling)
Is there an identified sampling area?
Are all containers identified?
Is a First-In-First-Out or First-Expiry-First-Out system in use? (Identify)
Are shelf life/expiration dates used?
Is Temperature (T°), controlled and documented?
Is Relative humidity (RH%), controlled and documented?
Is there more than one site or plant used for the manufacture of the specified material(s)?
If ³Yes´, please provide details.
Is plant equipment labelled as to its status and contents?
Is Pipe work labelled?
Are critical processes validated?
Does process documentation include:
Process instructions
Cleaning instructions
Cleaning records
Are cleaning processes validated?
Is there traceability throughout the process?
Is there an in-process monitoring system?
Is there an equipment use log?
Are all critical instruments calibrated?
Is there a preventative maintenance program?
Is reprocessing allowed?
Is there a non-conformance procedure?
Is the yield checked against defined limits?
Are different grades of material produced?
If Yes, how and at what stage are these differentiated/selected?
Is the plant dedicated or multi purpose?
If the plant is multi purpose, what other types of materials are produced in the unit(s)?
Please list any hazardous materials that are manufactured on your site (whether in dedicated or multi purpose facilities). E.g. herbicides.
Are packing operations segregated from production?
Are barcode readers in use?
Are areas labelled with the product being packed?
Are re-usable containers used?
Are cleaning procedures in place?
Are controlled procedures used for issuing labels and labelling?
Are label details checked?
Are there label reconciliation procedures?
Are there label disposal procedures?
How are containers security sealed?
Is material clearly labelled, including waste and reject material?
Computerized Systems
Do you have a list of the Computerized systems used by this facility?
If ³Yes´, do you identify the Computerized systems that are considered to have an impact on Quality of Product, or Service offered?
If Ye´, how is this documented?
Does your Quality system cover the quality of Computerized systems?
Do you have procedures in place for disaster recovery and restoring of data archives?
Do you have access security levels for the Computerized systems?
Do your procedures for validation cover the Computerized systems?
Do you have anti-virus protection?
Does the Change Control procedure include Computerized systems?
Laboratories, QA & QC
Is an equipment use log in place?
Are all instruments qualified (IQ, OQ, PQ)?
Are all instruments calibrated?
Is there a preventative maintenance program?
Are there documented procedures for:
Sample handling
Sample labelling
Re-testing / Re-sampling
Specification generation
Analytical method generation
Control and review of analytical methods
Investigation of rejected material
Product complaints
Handling out of specification results
Are manual calculations checked by a second person?
Are data transcriptions checked by a second person?
Is all raw-data retained?
Are all standards traceable to their preparation and the reagents used?
Are analytical methods validated?
Do you perform stability testing on materials and/or products?
If so, what shelf life / retest dates are available for the referenced product(s)?
Do you perform annual product reviews or campaign reviews on products?
Material Release
Is the decision to release/reject product made by a person or function independent from production?
Is the final status recorded?
Are certificates issued for each batch?
Are certificates signed by QA/QC?
If not, who signs certificates?
Is shelf life or retest dates or expiry date provided on the C of A OR C of C's
Is there a documented recall procedure?
Is a list of approved hauliers in use?
Is temperature controlled transports used?
If ³Yes´, are temperature records reviewed and retained?
If bulk tankers are used, is a cleaning certificate required?
If bulk tankers are used, are they dedicated?
If not, what other substances could be transported in the tankers?
If Agent/Distributor involved, is the pipe work used on delivery to the agent/distributor dedicated?
Are the Agent/Distributor storage facilities dedicated?
If No, what other substances are stored in the facilities?
Does the Agent/Distributor use dedicated filling lines?
What instructions are given to the haulier for delivery to a Sydco site e.g. dedicated hoses, dedicated tanks, dedicated pumps, temperature control, and paperwork to accompany delivery?
Facilities & Housekeeping
Are there procedures for health and hygiene?
Are rest/change/wash facilities separated from production areas?
Are access restrictions implemented as needed?
Do any production areas have special containment needs?
Are waste disposal systems in place?
Are there procedures documenting a pest control program?
Are material Safety Data Sheets maintained?
Is there a written training program?
Are job-training needs evaluated?
Is completed training evaluated and approved?
Are there completed written training records for all employees?
Questionnaire reviewed for Buyer lead audit site by:
Source: Elsmar Cove (