Internal Audit Form
An internal audit can help businesses spot problem areas and address them long before an external audit occurs. Internal audits are also occasionally required to ensure compliance with certain legal standards
Internal Audit Form
An internal audit can help businesses spot problem areas and address them long before an external audit occurs. Internal audits are also occasionally required to ensure compliance with certain legal standards
Management Commitment
Senior site management shall prepare and implement a policy statement that outlines as a minimum the: i. The site's commitment to supply safe food; ii. Methods used to comply with its customer and regulatory requirements and continually improve its food safety management system; and iii. The site's commitment to establish and review food safety objectives.
The policy statement shall be: i. Signed by senior site management; ii. Made available in language understood by all staff; and iii. Displayed in a prominent position and effectively communicated to all staff.
The reporting structure describing those who have responsibility for food safety shall be identified and communicated within the site.
Senior site management shall designate an SQF practitioner for each site with responsibility and authority to: i. Oversee the development, implementation, review and maintenance of the SQF System, including food safety fundamentals outlined in 2.4.2, and the food safety plan outlined in 2.4.3. ii. Take appropriate action to ensure the integrity of the SQF System; and iii. Communicate to relevant personnel all information essential to ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the SQF System.
The SQF practitioner shall: i. Be employed by the distribution or storage site as a company employee on a full-time basis; ii. Hold a position of responsibility in relation to the management of the distribution or storage site SQF System; iii. Have completed a HACCP training course; iv. Be competent to implement and maintain HACCP based food safety plans; and v. Have an understanding of the SQF Food Safety Code for Storage and Distribution and the requirements to implement and maintain SQF System relevant t
Senior site management shall ensure the training needs of the site are resourced, implemented and meet the requirements outlined in system elements 2.9, and that site personnel have met the required competencies to carry out those functions affecting the legality and safety of food products.
Job descriptions for those responsible for food safety shall be documented and include provision to cover for the absence of key personnel.
Senior site management shall ensure the integrity and continued operation of the food safety system in the event of organizational or personnel changes within the company or associated facilities.
The senior site management shall be responsible for reviewing the SQF System and documenting the review procedure. Reviews shall include: i. The policy manual; ii. Internal and external audit findings; iii. Corrective actions and their investigations and resolution; iv. Customer complaints and their resolution and investigation; v. Hazard and risk management system; and vi. Follow-up action items from previous management review.
Food Safety Plans, Good Storage and Distribution Practices and other aspects of the SQF system shall be reviewed and updated as needed when any potential changes implemented have an impact on the site's ability to deliver safe food.
Complaint Management
The methods and responsibility for handling and investigating the cause and resolution of complaints from customers and authorities, arising from products handled on site, shall be documented and implemented.
Trends of customer complaint data shall be investigated and analyzed by personnel knowledgeable about the incidents.
Records of customer complaints and their investigations shall be maintained.
Crisis Management Planning
A crisis management plan that is based on the understanding of known food safety potential threats (e.g. flood, drought, fire, tsunami, or other severe weather events) that can impact the site’s ability to deliver safe food, shall documented by senior management outlining the methods and responsibility the site shall implement to cope with such a business crisis.
The crisis management plan shall include as a minimum: A senior manager responsible for decision making, oversight and initiating actions arising from a crisis management incident; i. A senior manager responsible for decision making, oversight and initiating actions arising from a crisis management incident; ii. The nomination and training of a crisis management team; iii. The controls implemented to ensure a response does not compromise product safety; iv. The measures to isolate and identify product affe
The crisis management plan shall be reviewed, tested and verified at least annually.
Document Control and Records
A food safety management system shall be documented and maintained in either electronic and/or hard copy form. It shall outline the methods the organization will use to meet the requirements of the SQF Food Safety Code, be made available to relevant staff and include: i. A summary of the organization’s food safety policies and the methods it will apply to meet the requirements of this standard; ii. The food safety policy statement and organization chart; iii. The scope of the certification; iv. A list of t
The methods and responsibility for maintaining document control and ensuring staff have access to current documents shall be documented and implemented.
A register of current SQF System documents and amendments to documents shall be maintained.
Documents shall be safely stored and readily accessible.
The methods and responsibility for undertaking monitoring activities, verifying, maintaining and retaining records shall be documented and implemented.
Product for Storage and Distribution
Product handling and storage requirements for all products received, stored and intended for distribution, shall be documented, current, approved by the distributor and their customer (if applicable), accessible to relevant staff and include temperature requirements, storage conditions, and handling and transportation conditions.
Product descriptions for all incoming supplies used by the site but not intended for distribution, including, but not limited to hazardous chemicals, ice, food packaging materials or janitorial supplies that are used on site and impact on product safety shall be documented and kept current.
All incoming materials and ingredients shall comply with the relevant legislation.
The methods and responsibility for developing and approving product descriptions shall be documented.
Specifications for contract services that have an impact on product safety shall be documented, current, include a full description of the service to be provided and detail relevant training requirements of contract personnel.
A register of all contract service specifications shall be maintained.
The methods and responsibility for ensuring all agreements relating to food safety and customer product requirements and its realization and delivery are specified and agreed shall be documented and implemented.
Food Safety System
The site ensures that the food delivered to the customer is handled in a manner that complies with the relevant legislation in the country of its origin and destination.
The site shall ensure the Good Distribution Practices described in Module 12 of this Code are applied, or exempted according to a risk analysis outlining the justification for exclusion or evidence of the effectiveness of alternative control measures to ensure that food safety is not compromised.
Those Good Distribution Practices applicable to the scope of certification that outline how food safety is controlled and assured shall be documented and implemented.
A food safety plan or HACCP based plan shall be prepared in accordance with the twelve steps identified in the Codex Alimentarius Commission HACCP guidelines.
The food safety plan shall be effectively implemented and maintained and outline the means by which the site controls and assures food safety of the products or product groups included in the scope of the SQF certification and their associated processes. More than one HACCP food safety plan may be required to cover all products included in the scope of certification.
The food safety plan or plans shall be developed and maintained by a multidisciplinary team that includes the SQF Practitioner and those site personnel with technical, storage and distribution, and engineering knowledge of the relevant products and associated processes. Where the relevant expertise is not available on site, advice may be obtained from other sources to assist the food safety team.
The scope of each food safety plan shall be developed and documented including the start and end-point of the processes under consideration and all relevant inputs and outputs.
The food safety team shall develop and document a flow diagram covering the scope of each food safety plan. The flow diagram shall include every step in the process, all raw material, packaging material, and service inputs (e.g. water, steam, gasses as appropriate), scheduled process delays, and all process outputs including waste and rework and rework/recoup. Each flow diagram shall be confirmed by the food safety team during all stages and hours of operation.
The food safety team shall identify and document all food safety hazards that can reasonably be expected to occur at each step in the processes, including food products received and stored.
The food safety team shall conduct a hazard analysis for every identified hazard, to identify which hazards are significant. The methodology for determining hazard significance shall be documented and used consistently to assess all potential hazards.
The food safety team shall determine and document the control measures that must be applied to all significant hazards. More than one control measure may be required to control an identified hazard, and more than one significant hazard may be controlled by a specific control measure.
Based on the results of the hazard analysis (refer to, the food safety team shall identify the steps in the process where control must be applied to eliminate a significant hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level (CCP). In instances where a significant hazard has been identified at a step in the process, but no control measure exists, the food safety team shall modify the process to include an appropriate control measure.
For each identified CCP, the food safety team shall identify and document the limits that separate safe from unsafe product. The food safety team shall validate the critical limits to ensure the designated level of control of the identified food safety hazard(s); and that all critical limits and control measures individually or in combination effectively provide the level of control required (refer to
The food safety team shall develop and document procedures to monitor CCPs to ensure they remain within the established limits (refer to Monitoring procedures shall identify the personnel assigned to conduct testing, the sampling and test methods, and the test frequency.
The food safety team shall develop and document deviation procedures that identify the disposition of affected product when monitoring indicates a loss of control at a CCP. The procedures shall also prescribe actions to correct the process step to prevent recurrence of the safety failure.
The documented and approved food safety plan(s) shall be implemented in full. The effective implementation shall be monitored by the food safety team, and a full review of the documented and implemented plans shall be conducted at least annually, or when changes to the process, equipment, inputs or other changes affecting product safety occur.
Implemented food safety plans shall be verified as part of SQF system verification (refer to 2.5).
Where food safety regulations in the country of production and destination (if known) prescribe a food safety control methodology other than the Codex Alimentarius Commission HACCP guidelines, the food safety team shall implement food safety plans that meet both Codex and food regulatory requirements.
The responsibility for selecting, evaluating, approving and monitoring an approved supplier shall be documented and implemented.
The site's food defense plan (refer shall include measures to secure incoming materials and ingredients and protect them from deliberate act of sabotage or terrorist-like incidents
Incoming goods and packaging materials received from other sites under the same corporate ownership, shall be subject to the same product requirements and approved supplier requirements as all other material providers.
The responsibility and methods outlining how non-conforming product, raw material, ingredient, work-in-progress, packaging or equipment detected during receipt, storage, processing, handling or delivery is handled shall be documented and implemented. The methods applied shall ensure: i. Non-conforming product is quarantined, identified, handled and disposed of in a manner that minimizes the risk of inadvertent use, improper use or delivery, or risk to the integrity of finished product; ii. Non-conforming e
The responsibility and methods outlining how the product is recouped shall be documented and implemented. The methods applied shall ensure: i. Recouping operations are conducted by qualified personnel; ii. Recouped product is traceable.
The responsibility and methods for releasing products shall be documented and implemented. The methods applied shall ensure the product is released by authorized personnel.
Validation and Effectiveness
The methods, responsibility and criteria for ensuring the effectiveness of all applicable elements of the SQF Program shall be documented and implemented. The methods applied shall ensure that: i. Good Distribution Practices are confirmed to ensure they achieve the required result; ii. Critical food safety limits are validated, and re-validated annually; iii. Changes to the processes or procedures are assessed to ensure controls are still effective; and iv. All applicable elements of the SQF Program are
A verification schedule outlining the verification activities, their frequency of completion and the person responsible for each activity shall be prepared and implemented.
The methods, responsibility and criteria for verifying monitoring of Good Distribution Practices, critical control points and other food safety controls, and the legality of certified products, shall be documented and implemented. The methods applied shall ensure that personnel with responsibility for verifying monitoring activities authorize each verified record.
The responsibility and methods outlining how corrections and corrective actions are determined, implemented and verified, including the identification of the root cause and resolution of non-compliance of critical food safety limits, and deviations from food safety requirements, shall be documented and implemented.
The methods and responsibility for scheduling and conducting internal audits to verify the effectiveness of the SQF System shall be documented and implemented. Internal audits shall be conducted at least annually. The methods applied shall ensure: i. All applicable requirements of the SQF Food Safety Code for Storage and Distribution are audited as per the SQF audit checklist or similar tool; ii. Correction and corrective action of deficiencies identified during the internal audits are undertaken; iii. Aud
Product Identification
The methods and responsibility for identifying products during all stages of storage shall be documented and implemented. The product identification system shall be implemented to ensure: i. proper stock rotation; ii. accurate location of product.
The responsibility and methods used to trace product shall be documented and implemented to ensure: i. Finished product is traceable to the customer (one up) and provides traceability through the process to the manufacturing supplier and date of receipt of raw materials, food contact packaging and materials and other inputs (one back); ii. Traceability is maintained where product is reworked; and iii. The effectiveness of the product trace system shall be reviewed at least annually as part of the product re
The responsibility and methods used to withdraw or recall product shall be documented and implemented. The procedure shall: i. Identify those responsible for initiating, managing and investigating a product withdrawal or recall; ii. Describe the procedures to be implemented by site management, including sources of legal, regulatory and expert advice; iii. Outline a communication plan to inform customers, consumers, authorities and other essential bodies in a timely manner appropriate to the nature of the
The product withdrawal and recall system shall be reviewed, tested and verified as effective at least annually.
Food Defense and Food Fraud
The methods, responsibility and criteria for preventing food adulteration caused by a deliberate act of sabotage or terrorist-like incident shall be documented, implemented and maintained.
A food defense plan shall include: i. The name of the senior site management person responsible for food defense; ii. The methods implemented to ensure only authorized personnel have access to production equipment and vehicles, manufacturing and storage areas through designated access points; iii. The methods implemented to protect sensitive processing points from intentional adulteration; iv. The measures taken to ensure the secure receipt and storage of raw materials, packaging, equipment and hazardous ch
The food defense plan shall be reviewed and challenged at least annually.
The methods, responsibility and criteria for identifying the site's vulnerability to food fraud shall be documented, implemented and maintained. The food fraud vulnerability assessment shall include the site's susceptibility to product substitution, mislabeling, dilution and counterfeiting which may adversely impact food safety.
A food fraud mitigation plan shall be developed and implemented which specifies the methods by which the identified food fraud vulnerabilities shall be controlled.
Allergen Management
The responsibility and methods used to control allergens and to prevent sources of allergens from contaminating product shall be documented and implemented. The allergen management controls shall include the identification and handling of compromised product to prevent inadvertent cross contact.
The responsibility for establishing and implementing the training needs of the organization’s personnel to ensure they have the required competencies to carry out those functions affecting products, legality, and safety shall be defined and documented.
An employee training program shall be documented and implemented. It shall outline the necessary competencies for specific duties and the training methods to be applied for those staff carrying out tasks associated with: i. Developing and applying Good Distribution Practices (GDPs); ii. Applying food regulatory requirements; iii. Steps identified by the hazard analysis and/or other instructions as critical to effective implementation of the food safety plan and the maintenance of food safety; and iv. Task
The training program shall include provision for identifying and implementing the refresher training needs of the organization.
A training skills register describing who has been trained in relevant skills shall be maintained. The register shall indicate the: i. Participant name; ii. Skills description; iii. Description of the training provided; iv. Date training completed; v. Trainer or training provider; and vi. Supervisor’s verification the training was completed and that the trainee is competent to complete the required tasks.
Site Location and Premises
The site shall assess local activities and the site environment to identify any risks that may have an adverse impact on product safety and implement controls for any identified risks. The assessment shall be reviewed in response to any changes in the local environment or activities. The construction and ongoing operation of the premises on the site shall be approved by the relevant authority.
Floors shall be constructed of smooth, dense, impact-resistant material that can be effectively graded, drained, is impervious to liquid, and easily cleaned. When drains are present in the warehouse, floors shall be sloped at gradients suitable to allow for the effective removal of all overflow or wastewater under normal working conditions.
Drains shall be constructed and located so they can be easily cleaned and do not present a hazard. Drains if located in storage and handling areas, shall be kept clean.
Waste trap system shall be located away from any food handling or storage area or entrance to the premises.
Waste trap system shall be located away from any food handling or storage area or entrance to the premises.
Walls, partitions, ceilings, and doors shall be of durable construction. Internal surfaces shall have an even and regular surface and be impervious with a light-colored finish and shall be kept clean (refer to 12.2.5). Wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor junctions shall be designed to be easily cleaned and sealed to prevent the accumulation of food debris.
Doors shall be of solid construction. Windows shall be made of shatterproof glass or similar material, or otherwise protected.
Drop ceilings (where applicable) shall be constructed to enable monitoring for pest activity, facilitate cleaning, and provide access to utilities.
In warehouses where food products are recouped or exposed, the product contact surfaces shall be constructed of materials that will not contribute a food safety risk
Lightings and Light Fittings
Lighting in warehouses where food product is recouped or exposed shall be of appropriate intensity to enable the staff to carry out their tasks efficiently and effectively.
Light fittings in areas where food product is recouped or exposed shall be shatterproof, manufactured with a shatterproof covering or fitted with protective covers, and recessed into or fitted flush with the ceiling. Where fixtures cannot be recessed, structures must be protected from accidental breakage, manufactured from cleanable materials, and addressed in the cleaning and sanitation program.
Light fittings in other areas of the warehouse where product is covered or otherwise protected shall be designed to prevent breakage and product contamination.
Dust, Insect, and Pest Proofing
All external windows, ventilation openings, doors, and other openings shall be effectively sealed when closed and proofed against dust, insects, birds, and other pests. External personnel access doors shall be provided. They shall be effectively insect-proofed and fitted with a self-closing device and proper seals to protect against entry of dust, birds, and other pests.
Electric insect control devices, pheromone, or other traps and baits shall be located and operate so as not to present a contamination risk to the product, packaging, containers, or processing equipment. Poison rodenticide bait shall not be used inside ingredient of product storage areas where ingredients, packaging, and product are handled, processed, or exposed.
Adequate ventilation shall be provided in enclosed storage and food handling areas.
All ventilation equipment and devices in product storage and handling areas shall be adequately cleaned as per 12.2.5 and effectively sealed against dust, insects, and other pests as per 12.1.4.
Equipment and Utensils
Specifications for equipment and utensils and procedures for purchasing equipment shall be documented and implemented.
Equipment and utensils shall be designed, constructed, installed, operated, and maintained to meet any applicable regulatory requirements and not pose a contamination threat to products.
Equipment storage rooms shall be designed and constructed to allow for the hygienic and efficient storage of equipment and containers. Where possible, food contact equipment shall be segregated from non-food contact equipment.
All equipment and utensils shall be cleaned (refer to at a frequency to control contamination and stored in a clean and serviceable condition to prevent microbiological or cross-contact allergen contamination.
Vehicles used in handling areas or in cold storage rooms shall be designed, cleaned, and operated so as not to present a food safety hazard.
In addition to the above, locations handling exposed products and recouping products on-site shall have: i. Product contact equipment and utensils constructed of materials that are non-toxic, smooth, impervious and readily cleaned as per 12.2.5; ii. Clearly identified equipment and utensils that are used for inedible material; and iii. Clearly identified waste and overflow handling equipment and utensils. The waste material is discharged hygienically and according to local regulatory requirements.
Grounds and Roadways
The grounds and area surrounding the premises shall be maintained to minimize dust and kept free of waste or accumulated debris so as not to attract pests and vermin.
Paths, roadways, and loading and unloading areas shall be maintained so as not to present a hazard to the food safety operation of the premises.
Surroundings shall be kept neat and tidy and shall not present a hazard to the hygienic and sanitary operation of the premises or provide harborage for pests.
Repairs and Maintenance
The methods and responsibility for the maintenance and repair of facility, equipment, and buildings shall be documented, planned, and implemented in a manner that minimizes the risk of product, packaging, or equipment contamination.
The maintenance schedule shall be prepared to cover building, equipment, and other areas of the premises critical to the maintenance of product safety. Routine maintenance of plant and equipment in any food handling or storage area shall be performed according to a maintenance control schedule and recorded.
Failures of facility and equipment in any food storage and handling area shall be documented, reviewed, and necessary repair incorporated into the maintenance control schedule.
Site supervisors shall be notified when maintenance or repairs are to be undertaken in any food handling or storage area.
The maintenance supervisor and the site supervisor shall be informed if any repairs or maintenance pose a potential threat to product safety (e.g., pieces of electrical wire, damaged light fittings, and loose overhead fittings). When possible, maintenance is to be conducted outside operating times.
Temporary repairs, where required, shall not pose a food safety risk and shall be included in the cleaning program. There shall be a plan in place to address completion of temporary repairs to ensure they do not become permanent solutions.
Equipment located over exposed product shall be lubricated with food grade lubricants and their use controlled to minimize the contamination of the product.
Paint used in a food handling or contact zone shall be suitable for use, in good condition (i.e., no chips), and shall not be used on any product contact surface.
Maintenance Staff and Contractors
Maintenance staff and contractors shall comply with the site’s personnel and process hygiene requirements (refer to 12.3).
All maintenance staff and contractors required to work on-site shall be trained in the site’s food safety and hygiene procedures or shall be escorted at all times until their work is completed. Records of training shall be documented and retrievable.
Maintenance staff and contractors shall remove all tools and debris from any maintenance activity once it has been completed and inform the area supervisor and maintenance supervisor so that appropriate hygiene and sanitation can be completed and an inspection conducted prior to restarting site operations. The inspections shall be documented.
Pest Prevention
A documented pest prevention program shall be effectively implemented. It shall: i. Describe the methods and responsibility for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the pest prevention program; ii. Record pest sightings and trend the frequency of pest activity to target pesticide applications; iii. Outline the methods used to prevent pest problems; iv. Outline the pest elimination methods and the appropriate documentation for each inspection; v. Outline the frequency with which pest stat
Pest contractors and/or internal pest controllers shall: i. Be licensed and approved by the local relevant authority; ii. Use only trained and qualified operators who comply with regulatory requirements; iii. Use only approved chemicals; iv. Provide a pest prevention plan (refer to, which includes a site map indicating the location of bait stations traps and other applicable pest control/monitoring devices; v. Report to a responsible authorized person on entering the premises and after the com
Pest activity risks shall be analyzed and recorded. Inspections for pest activity shall be undertaken on a regular basis by trained site personnel and the appropriate action taken if pests are present. Identified pest activity shall not present a risk of contamination to food products, raw materials, or packaging. Records of all pest control inspections and applications shall be maintained.
Food products, raw materials, or packaging that are found to be contaminated by pest activity shall be effectively disposed of and the source of pest infestation investigated and resolved. Records shall be kept of the disposal, investigation, and resolution.
Pesticides shall be clearly labeled and stored per 12.6.4 if kept on-site.
No animals shall be permitted on-site in food handling or storage areas.
Cleaning and Sanitation
The methods and responsibility for the effective cleaning of the food storage and handling areas, staff amenities, and toilet facilities shall be documented and implemented. Consideration shall be given to: i. What is to be cleaned; ii. How it is to be cleaned; iii. When it is to be cleaned; iv. Who is responsible for cleaning; v. Validation of cleaning procedures; vi. Methods used to confirm the correct concentrations of detergents and sanitizers, and vii. The responsibility and methods used to veri
Detergents and sanitizers shall be suitable for use in a food and storage and handling environment, labeled according to regulatory requirements, and purchased in accordance with applicable legislation. The organization shall ensure: i. The site maintains a list of chemicals approved for use; ii. An inventory of all chemicals purchased and used is maintained; iii. Detergents and sanitizers are stored as outlined in element 12.6.4; iv. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are provided for all detergents and sanitizer
Detergents and sanitizers that have been mixed for use shall be correctly mixed according to manufacturers’ instructions, stored in containers that are suitable for use, and clearly identified. Mix concentrations shall be verified and records maintained.
Provision shall be made for the effective cleaning of equipment, utensils, and protective clothing.
Cleaning equipment, tools, racks, and other items used in support of the cleaning and sanitizing program shall be clearly identified, stored, and maintained in a manner that prevents contamination of processing, product handling equipment, and storage areas as well as the tools themselves.
Staff amenities, sanitary facilities, and other essential areas shall be inspected by qualified personnel to ensure the areas are clean and at a defined frequency.
Records of cleaning and sanitation activities, verification, and inspections shall be maintained.
Staff amenities, sanitary facilities, and other essential areas shall be inspected by qualified personnel at a defined frequency to ensure the areas are clean.
Personnel Hygiene and Welfare
Personnel suffering from infectious diseases or who are carriers of any infectious disease shall be restricted from working on the site or in the transportation of food and shall not engage in food handling operations or be permitted access to storage areas where the product is exposed or there is a risk of contamination of food.
The site shall have measures in place to prevent contact of materials, ingredients, food packaging, food, or food contact surfaces from any bodily fluids from open wounds, coughing, sneezing, spitting, or any other means. In the event of an injury that causes spillage of bodily fluid, a properly trained staff member shall ensure that all affected areas, including handling and storage areas, have been adequately cleaned and that all materials and products have been quarantined and/or disposed of.
Personnel with exposed cuts, sores, or lesions shall not engage in handling exposed products, recoup, repack or processing products, or handling primary packaging or food contact surfaces. Minor cuts or abrasions on exposed parts of the body shall be covered with a protective bandage or alternative suitable dressing. A colored bandage or alternative suitable waterproof and colored dressing is recommended for handling exposed products, recoup, or repack processes.
All personnel shall have clean hands and hands shall be washed by all staff, contractors, and visitors: i. On entering food handling, storage, and processing areas; ii. After each visit to a toilet; iii. After using a handkerchief; iv. After smoking, eating, or drinking; and v. After sneezing or coughing.
Handwash stations shall be available and accessible as required.
Handwash stations shall be constructed of stainless steel or similar non-corrosive material and at a minimum supplied with: i. A potable water supply at an appropriate temperature; ii. Liquid soap; iii. Paper towels; and iv. A means of containing used paper towels. An effective hand dryer may be used in instances where there is no direct hand contact of food or food contact surfaces.
Signage in appropriate languages instructing people to wash their hands shall be provided in a prominent position.
When gloves are used, personnel shall maintain the handwashing practices outlined above.
Clothing and Personal Effects
Clothing worn by staff engaged in handling food shall be maintained, stored, laundered, and worn so as not to present a contamination risk to products.
Clothing, including shoes, shall be clean at the commencement of each shift and maintained in a serviceable condition.
Protective clothing shall be manufactured from material that will not pose a food safety threat and is easily cleaned.
Jewelry and other loose objects shall not be worn or taken into a food handling or processing operation or any area where food is exposed. The wearing of plain bands with no stones, prescribed medical alert bracelets, or jewelry accepted for religious or cultural reasons can be permitted, provided it is properly covered and does not pose a food safety risk. All exceptions shall meet regulatory and customer requirements and shall be subject to a risk assessment and evidence of ongoing risk management.
All visitors shall be required to comply with all Good Storage and Distribution Practices and hygiene standards required by the site, including those applying to clothing and personal effects, hand-washing, and illness (refer to 12.3.1, 12.3.2 and 12.3.3).
All visitors, including management staff, shall wear suitable clothing and footwear when entering any food storage and handling area.
Visitors exhibiting visible signs of illness shall be prevented from entering areas in which food is handled or processed (refer to 12.3.1).
Visitors shall enter and exit food handling areas through the proper staff entrance points and comply with all handwashing and personnel practice requirements.
All visitors shall be trained in the site’s food safety and hygiene procedures before entering any food processing or handling areas or shall be escorted at all times in food handling and storage areas.
The site shall have a documented procedure for how driver access is managed to minimize food safety risk and designated driver areas are maintained to prevent food contamination or other food safety risks.
Staff Amenities
Staff amenities shall have documented cleaning procedures, be supplied with appropriate lighting and ventilation, and shall be made available for the use of all persons engaged in the handling and processing of product.
Provision shall be made for staff to store their street clothing and personal items separate from food contact zones and food storage areas.
Toilet rooms shall be: i. Designed and constructed so that they are accessible to staff and separate from any food handling operations; ii. Accessed from the warehouse or food handling area via an airlock vented to the exterior or through an adjoining room; iii. Sufficient in number for the maximum number of staff; iv. Constructed so that they can be easily cleaned and maintained; and v. Kept clean and tidy.
Sanitary drainage shall not be connected to any other drains within the premises and shall be directed to a septic tank or a sewerage system. Procedure shall be documented and implemented to properly manage sewage back-ups to minimize the potential for contamination.
Handwash basins shall be provided immediately outside or inside the toilet room and designed as outlined in
Separate break room facilities shall be provided away from a food handling or storage areas. Break rooms shall be kept clean and tidy and free from waste materials and pests.
Where outside eating areas are provided, they shall be kept clean and free from waste materials and maintained in a manner that minimizes the potential for introduction of contamination including pests to the site.
Signage in languages understood by staff advising people to wash their hands before entering the food storage areas shall be provided in a prominent position in break rooms and break room exits.
Personnel Processing Practices
All personnel shall comply with the following practices: i. Personnel entry to food handling areas shall be through the personnel access doors only; ii. All doors are to be kept closed. Doors shall not be left open for extended periods when access is required for waste removal or stock transfer; iii. The wearing of false fingernails or fingernail polish is not permitted when handling exposed food; iv. Materials and products shall be kept in appropriate containers as required and off the floor; v. Waste
All personnel engaged in storage, transport, and handling of packaged products and materials shall ensure that products and materials are handled and stored in such a way as to prevent damage or product contamination.
Water, Ice, and Air Supply
Adequate supplies of water drawn from a known clean source shall be provided for use during holding, storage and cleaning of the premises and equipment.
Contingency plans shall be in place for instances when the potable water supply is deemed to be contaminated or otherwise inappropriate for use.
Supplies of hot and cold water shall be provided as required to enable the effective cleaning of the premises and equipment.
The delivery of water within the premises shall ensure potable water is not contaminated. Testing of the backflow system, where possible, shall be conducted at least annually and records shall be maintained.
The use of non-potable water shall be controlled such that: i. There is no cross-contamination between potable and non-potable water lines; ii. Non-potable water piping and outlets are clearly identified; and iii. Hoses, taps, and other similar sources of possible contamination are designed to prevent back flow or back siphonage.
Where water is stored on-site, storage facilities shall be adequately designed, constructed, and routinely cleaned to prevent contamination.
Microbiological analysis of the water and ice supply that comes into contact with food or food contact surfaces shall be conducted to verify the cleanliness of the supply, the monitoring activities, and the effectiveness of the treatment measures implemented. Verification, at minimum, shall be made annually.Water treatment equipment shall be monitored regularly to ensure it remains serviceable.
Water and ice shall be analyzed using reference standards and methods.
Ice rooms and receptacles shall be constructed of materials as outlined in elements 12.1.2 and designed to minimize contamination of the ice during storage and distribution.
Compressed air or other gases (e.g. nitrogen, carbon dioxide) that contact food or food contact surfaces shall be clean and present no risk to food safety.
Compressed air systems and systems used to store or dispense other gases used in food storage and distribution process shall be maintained and regularly monitored for quality and applicable food safety hazards.
Receipt, Storage and Handling of Goods
The site shall implement an effective storage plan that allows for the safe, hygienic storage of ice, food products (frozen, chilled, and ambient), packaging, equipment, and chemicals.
Dry food products shall be received and stored in a way to prevent cross-contamination with frozen and chilled products.
The responsibility and methods for ensuring effective stock rotation principles are applied shall be documented and implemented.
Procedures shall be in place to ensure that all food products and recouped products are utilized within their designated shelf life.
Where goods are held under temporary or overflow conditions that are not designed for the safe storage of goods, a risk analysis shall be undertaken to ensure there is no risk to the integrity of those goods, or contamination, or adverse effects on food safety.
Records shall be available to verify alternate or temporary control measures for storage of raw materials, ingredients, packaging, equipment, chemicals, or finished products.
Racks provided for the storage of food products shall be constructed of impervious materials and designed to enable cleaning of the floors and the storage room. Storage areas shall be cleaned at a predetermined frequency.
The site shall provide confirmation of the effective operational performance of freezing, chilling, and cold storage facilities. Chillers, blast freezers, and cold storage rooms shall be designed and constructed to allow for the hygienic and efficient refrigeration of food and shall be easily accessible for inspection and cleaning.
Sufficient refrigeration capacity shall be available to store chilled or frozen food at the maximum anticipated throughput of product with allowance for periodic cleaning of refrigerated areas.
Discharge from defrost and condensate lines shall be controlled and discharged to the drainage system.
The site shall have a written procedure for monitoring temperatures of storage rooms, including the frequency of checks, and corrective actions if the temperature is out of specification. Cold and chilled storage rooms shall be fitted with temperature monitoring equipment, located to monitor the warmest part of the room, and be fitted with a temperature measurement device that is easily readable and accessible. Records shall be kept of frozen, cold, and chilled storage room temperatures.
The site shall have a written procedure for monitoring temperatures of storage rooms, including the frequency of checks, and corrective actions if the temperature is out of specification. Cold and chilled storage rooms shall be fitted with temperature monitoring equipment, located to monitor the warmest part of the room, and be fitted with a temperature measurement device that is easily readable and accessible. Records shall be kept of frozen, cold, and chilled storage room temperatures.
Dry goods shall be located away from wet areas to protect the product from contamination and deterioration and to prevent packaging from becoming a harborage for pests or vermin.
Hazardous chemicals, toxic substances, and pesticides that are for use on the site with the potential for food contamination shall be: i. Used only according to manufacturers’ instructions; ii. Controlled to prevent contamination or a food safety hazard to raw material, packaging, work-in-progress, finished product, or product contact surfaces; iii. Included in a current register of all hazardous chemicals and toxic substances that are stored on-site; iv. Supplemented with a current Safety Data Sheet (S
Hazardous chemicals and toxic substances shall be stored: i. In an area with appropriate signage; ii. Accessible only by personnel trained in the storage and use of chemicals; iii. Separated from the distribution storage area so as not to present a hazard to staff, product, packaging, or product handling equipment; iv. In their original containers, or in clearly labeled secondary containers if allowed by applicable legislation; and v. Stored so that there is no cross-contamination between chemicals.
Personnel who handle hazardous chemicals and toxic substances, including pesticides and cleaning chemicals: i. Shall be fully trained in their purpose, storage, handling, and use; ii. Be provided first aid equipment and personnel protective equipment; and iii. Ensure compliance with the proper identification, storage, usage, disposal, and clean-up requirements.
The site shall dispose of unused chemicals and empty containers in accordance with regulatory requirements and ensure that: i. Empty chemical containers are not reused; ii. Empty containers are labeled, isolated, and securely stored while awaiting collection; and iii. Unused and obsolete chemicals are stored under secure conditions while waiting authorized disposal by an approved vendor.
In the event of a hazardous spill, the site shall: i. Have spillage clean-up instructions to ensure that the spill is properly contained; and ii. Be equipped with spillage kits and cleaning equipment.
The practices applied during loading, transport, and unloading of food products and materials shall be documented, implemented, and designed to maintain appropriate storage conditions and product integrity. Practices shall protect against contamination from biological, chemical, and physical hazards, and under conditions that prevent cross-contamination.
Sites shall have a procedure in place that is documented and implemented to ensure trailers are inspected prior to receiving shipments or loading to ensure that the trailer is in good repair, clean, secured and at the required environmental condition and temperature.
Vehicles (e.g. trucks/vans/containers) used for transporting food shall be inspected prior to loading to ensure they are clean, in good repair, suitable for the purpose, and free from odors or other conditions that may impact negatively on the product.
Receiving, staging, loading, and unloading practices shall be designed to minimize unnecessary exposure of the product to conditions detrimental to maintaining product integrity.
Where applicable, food transport vehicles’ refrigeration units shall maintain the food at the required temperatures and the units’ temperature settings shall be set, checked, and recorded before loading and product temperatures monitored at regular intervals during loading as appropriate. The refrigeration units shall be operational at all times and checks shall be completed of the units’ operation, the door seals, and the storage temperature at regular intervals during transit.
Upon arrival and prior to opening the doors, the food transport vehicles’ refrigeration unit storage temperature settings and operating temperature shall be checked and recorded. Receiving shall be completed efficiently and product temperatures shall be recorded at the commencement of unloading and at regular intervals during unloading.
Separation of Functions
The process flow shall be designed to prevent cross-contamination and organized so there is a continuous flow of product through the process. The flow of personnel shall be managed such that the potential for contamination is minimized.
The responsibility and methods used to prevent foreign matter contamination of the product shall be documented, implemented, and communicated to all staff.
Inspections shall be performed to ensure plant and equipment remains in good condition and potential contaminants have not been detached or become damaged or deteriorated.
Containers, equipment, and other utensils made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, laboratory glassware, or other like material (except where product is contained in packaging made from these materials, or measurement instruments with glass dial covers, or MIG thermometers required under regulation) shall not be permitted in food processing/contact zones.
Where glass objects or similar material are required to be used by the site in storage and handling areas, they shall be listed in a glass inventory including details of their location.
Product that is in glass or similar material that is for distribution purposes shall be stored and handled in a manner that prevents contamination.
Regular inspections of storage and handling zones shall be conducted (refer to to ensure they are free of glass or other like material and to establish changes to the condition of the objects listed in the glass inventory.
Glass instrument dial covers on equipment and MIG thermometers shall be inspected at regular intervals.
Pallets used in food storage shall be made of a suitable material, dedicated for that purpose, clean, maintained in good order, and their condition subject to regular inspection.
Wooden pallets and other wooden utensils used in food handling areas shall be dedicated for that purpose, clean, and maintained in good order. Their condition shall be subject to regular inspection.
Loose metal objects on equipment, equipment covers, and overhead structures shall be removed or tightly affixed so as not to present a hazard.
In all cases of foreign matter contamination the affected food product shall be isolated, inspected, reworked, or disposed of.
In circumstances where glass or similar material breakage occurs, the affected area shall be isolated, cleaned, and thoroughly inspected (including cleaning equipment and footwear) and cleared by a suitably responsible person.
Waste Disposal
The responsibility and methods used to collect and handle dry, wet, and liquid waste and store it prior to removal from the premises shall be documented and implemented.
Waste shall be removed on a regular basis and not allowed to build up in food handling or storage areas. Designated waste accumulation areas shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition until external waste collection is undertaken.
Trolleys, vehicles, waste disposal equipment, collection bins, and storage areas shall be maintained in a serviceable condition and cleaned and sanitized regularly so as not to attract pests and other vermin.
Where applicable, a documented procedure shall be in place for the controlled disposal of trademarked materials. Where a contracted disposal service is used, the disposal process shall be reviewed regularly to confirm compliance.
Inedible waste designated for animal feed shall be stored and handled so that it will not cause a risk to the animal or further processing. If denaturant is used to identify inedible waste, it shall be demonstrated that it does not pose a risk to animal health.
Reviews of the effectiveness of waste management will form part of regular hygiene inspections and the results of these inspections shall be included in the relevant hygiene reports (refer to
A procedure shall be in place to ensure drainage wastewater is effectively removed from the storage areas (refer to If stored and/or treated on the premises, it shall be stored in a separate storage facility and suitably contained. Inspections of the drainage system and wastewater storage shall be included in the regular site inspections (refer to
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Source: MWI, INC (Community Member)