Troubleshooting: D2G
This is this is to help diagnose problems with the D2G guns.
Troubleshooting: D2G
This is this is to help diagnose problems with the D2G guns.
Tools & Preliminary Checks
Tools Required:
if the answer is "oneOf [Trigger action is stiff or frozen.]"
The temperature is likely too low.
if the answer is "oneOf [Applicator will not heat up.]"
Verify the resistance in the Nordson 240V heater assembly (pins 4&5) is between 760-651 ohms IAW the resistance chart. If needed, replace the heater assembly.
Requires ohm meter function on multimeter.
Verify the Nordson SPCL Ni (NiFe) sensor assembly (pins 6&7) resistance is IAW the Resistance Chart for the appropriate temperature. If needed, replace the sensor assembly.
Requires Multimeter
Check for inoperative or damaged wiring or connector.
if the answer is "oneOf [Applicator is overheating.]"
Verify the Nordson SPCL Ni (NiFe) sensor assembly (pins 6&7) resistance is IAW the Resistance Chart for the appropriate temperature. If needed, replace the sensor assembly.
Requires Multimeter
Troubleshooting: AP30 Adhesive Supply Unit
This procedure is used when something is wrong and the problem needs to be discovered. Re-read Chapter 1 "Safety Precautions" before performing any troubleshooting or repair procedures. All trouble shooting or repair must be performed by qualified, trained technicians.
Parts and Tools
Tools Required:
Parts Required
Summary of Findings.
Please write a short summary of findings. Another work order will be written to provide solution.
Preliminary Checks: Verify the following before proceeding
Error Messages
Check if applicable.
General Troubleshooting Guide
Hose/Applicator troubleshooting tip: Hose or applicator problems can be isolated by electrically connecting the applicator hose to an alternate socket on the ASU. If the malfunction goes with the applicator and hose, the problem will usually be in the applicator or hose that was moved. If the malfunction does not move with the applicator and hose, the problem is probably in the ASU.
if the answer is "checked "
Check if the Main Power switch is OFF.
Check if keypad is locked.
if the answer is "checked "
if the answer is "checked "
Check if the ribbon connector X6 or harness X7 is disconnected.
Check board fuse (F1 or F2) on the PCB is inoperative.
if the answer is "checked "
Check if the tank sensor is fully inserted.
Check if the tank sensor is inoperative.
if the answer is "checked "
Check plug connection X6 (1&2) on PCB is loose.
Check if the temperature sensor is inoperative.
if the answer is "checked "
Check for short circuit at tank sensor.
Check for a short circuit at plug connection X6 on Control PCB.
if the answer is "checked "
Status of the LED on the PCB board.
if the answer is "oneOf [ON]"
Check if the fuse 15/16 has tipped on PCB.
Check if the tank heater element is inoperative.
Note: Remove lead wires from heater element when measuring resistance.
Check for disconnection in tank heater circuit.
if the answer is "oneOf [OFF]"
if the answer is "checked "
Is the hose or head LED on the PCB on?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
Check for loose plug connection on PCB.
Check if the heating element is inoperative.
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Sequential heat-up may be inactive.
if the answer is "checked "
Disconnection between ASU and hose (or between hose and head).
Hose (or head) fuse on the PCB is inoperative.
*Note: there are two fuses for each hose/head connection.*
if the answer is "checked "
Status of the corresponding hose (or head) LED on the PCB.
if the answer is "oneOf [ON]"
Inoperative hose (or head) temperature sensor
if the answer is "oneOf [OFF]"
Inoperative hose (or head) triac on PCB.
if the answer is "checked "
No hose (or head) is connected.
Check for disconnection between ASU and hose (or between head and hose).
Check for disconnection at X4, X5 or X6 on PCB.
Check if the hose (or head) sensor is inoperative.
if the answer is "checked "
Hose (or head) sensor short circuit.
Short circuit in plug between ASU and hose (or between head and hose).
Gear Pump Troubleshooting Guide
Please refer to the Manual for all procedures not explicitly explained here. It can be found under the ASU asset.
if the answer is "checked "
Check to see that F/C light on temperature control is on steady.
Pump motor switch on front panel is OFF.
Check for output from X18 on power PCB.
No pump warm-up, thermostat is open and tank is hot.
Motor is bad.
if the answer is "checked "
Output filter clogged.
AP-30 Hot Melt Output Filter Cleaning/Change
Use the following procedure to replace the output filter. Note: This procedure need not be done if flowrates are adequate and no char is present in system.
Tools and Parts Required
Filter Replacement
Inspect that the filter is <50% clogged.
if the answer is "oneOf [FAIL,FLAG]"
if the answer is "oneOf [PASS]"
Inspect for adhesive leaks around the filter plug.
Cleanup and Disposal
Adhesive used is too viscous.
Blocked hose.
Blocked applicator heads.
Flow control valve needs adjusting.
if the answer is "checked "
Bad O-rings
Bad pump shaft seals.
if the answer is "checked "
Main Breaker
Insufficient Voltage
Insufficient voltage can be the cause of these problems, voltage drops are common and serious damage can occur to the machine if the voltage is incorrect.
Faulty warm-up switch
We use the pump warm-up thermostat V2.
Pump motor Internal Thermal Protection
The pump motor is normally the last item to check when troubleshooting. All motors have internal thermal protection.
Plugged pump inlet port
Foreign material in pump and tank
if the answer is "checked "
Inadequate tank temperature
if the answer is "oneOf [Adhesive flows after the trigger is released.]"
if the answer is "oneOf [Other]"
Please describe the problem as best as you can
Add pictures of the problem
Add or drag pictures
Troubleshooting Guide
Some of the procedures in the Troubleshooting guide require potentially dangerous electricity to be present. Only qualified service personnel should perform these procedures.
Source: Frasch! (Community Member)