
MP3300 Full PM Inspection

Preventative Maintenance Inspection is a proactive process that involves regularly checking equipment for small problems and fixing them before failure can occur. The goal is to lessen the likelihood of failure, reduce unexpected downtime, and prolong the useful life of an asset. This process may consist of inspections, calibrations, lubrications, adjustments, cleaning, or part replacements.
Prime Robotics

MP3300 Full PM Inspection

Preventative Maintenance Inspection is a proactive process that involves regularly checking equipment for small problems and fixing them before failure can occur. The goal is to lessen the likelihood of failure, reduce unexpected downtime, and prolong the useful life of an asset. This process may consist of inspections, calibrations, lubrications, adjustments, cleaning, or part replacements.

    Robot #

    External Inspection Points

    check that Deck is aligned with Chassis

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Shell condition

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "oneOf [FLAG,FAIL]"

    Take picture of shell damage

    Add or drag pictures

    Dust and Dirt Cleaned

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    LED Lights all working well

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Lidar clean and no scratches

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Floor Hydraulic Leaks

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check Hydraulic cylinder seals for leaks

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Casters Spin Freely

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Undercarriage Bolts all tight (check with torque wrench)

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Front Bumper in good working order and functionality verified on PCB

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Back Bumper in good working order and functionality verified on PCB

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Drive Wheels spin freely

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Photo of Robot

    Add or drag pictures

    Power and connectivity

    Power and connectivity.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Shell USB port working correctly

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Shell Recharge Port working correctly

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Shell HDMI Port working correctly

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Internal Inspection Points

    Hydraulic Leaks?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "oneOf [FLAG,FAIL]"

    Photo of leak.

    Add or drag pictures

    Dust and dirt cleaned off of internal chassis?

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    motors- check that they are secured to planetary gear housings and not moving.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Wheel and motor assemblies tight

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Sensor Bus Bar Secured to Hydraulic Bracket

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    Photo of sensor bus bar

    Add or drag pictures

    Limit Switch working and wires secured

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check that Prime QR codes are installed on Chassis and front and rear shell

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Is 24V power bus bar installed?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    Take photo of power bus bar.

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"

    check if power bus bar is secured to chassis

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Capture the PCB version with photo

    Add or drag pictures

    Check wire connections are tight on servo controllers.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check wire connectors are tight on floor and shelf cameras

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check wire connections are tight on Lidar

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check PCB is secured to Chassis

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check that IPC is secured to Chassis

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check that wires routed away from wifi antennas.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Wifi antennas in good condition and tightly connected

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Hydraulic system check


Source: Prime Robotics (Community Member)

Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.