Golf Facility Checklist Guide
This checklist was developed to help you assess the current conditions at your facility and, when applicable, improve the way your facility operates.
Golf Facility Checklist Guide
This checklist was developed to help you assess the current conditions at your facility and, when applicable, improve the way your facility operates.
Wash Area
Is there proper curbing and sloping of the wash pad to prevent runoff?
Is all the wash water and rinse water directed into the recycle system?
Is the facility graded to prevent wash water, rinse water or stormwater from ponding on site?
Is there sufficient overhang to prevent or minimize the entry of stormwater or rainwater into the recycle system?
Is the facility free from odors?
Is the area free from leaks or other signs of water discharging to the ground?
Is all overspray trapped in the wash area?
Is the vehicle placed well within the wash area and away from the edges of the wash pad to prevent wash water runoff to the ground?
Are all vehicle repairs done away from the wash area to prevent the transport of chemicals in the wash water runoff?
Are all chemicals and other materials stored away from the wash area preventing the transport of chemicals in the wash water runoff?
Is all pre-washing, washing, or rinsing done inside the wash pad?
Are signs posted to discourage the dumping of vehicle fluids (oil, coolant), pesticides, solvents, fertilizers, organic chemicals, toxic chemicals into the drain or the collection sump?
Is there a “Do not use engine degreasing solvents in the wash area” sign posted near the drain or collection sump?
Is the area kept clean, orderly and safe?
Are absorbent pads available for use when oily sheen appears?
Is used oil stored properly on an impervious floor?
Are drip pans used to collect used oil?
Are the used oil storage containers covered and properly labeled “USED OIL”?
Is there adequate spill containment in the oil storage location?
Is the used oil handler registered with DEP?
Is documentation of proper used oil and oily waste management kept on-site (e.g. receipts, invoices)?
Is wastewater prevented from discharging into surface or ground waters?
Is the wastewater disposed of according to local rules and regulations?
Are there adequate records to document the disposal of wastewater according to local rules and regulations?
Is the proper authorities notified if an unanticipated bypass, upset in the system or unauthorized discharge has occurred?
Is a remedial plan put in place when unauthorized discharges occur?
Are steps taken to prevent leaks and unauthorized discharges from reoccurring?
Are curbs installed around wash bays or tunnel entrances (or are bays and tunnels elevated) to prevent intrusion of stormwater into the recycle system?
Are downspouts installed to prevent discharges of rainwater into the recycle system?
Is the collection pit covered so that rainwater cannot go into it?
If the wash pad is not covered, is it kept clean to prevent the contamination of stormwater?
Is there a stormwater diverter valve?
Is there a procedure to use the stormwater diverter valve?
Is the procedure followed in operating the diverter valve?
Is the diverter valve in the correct position (according with the procedure) when operating the recycle system?
Is the wash pad cleaned with fresh makeup water after each day of use to prevent stormwater contamination?
Is the discharge of solids being prevented?
Is the discharged stormwater free from any visible sheen?
Is the sludge and solids from sedimentation tanks, centrifugal separator, used filter material and other solid waste disposed of at the Class I or Class II sanitary landfill?
Are records maintained of the quantity of waste sludge disposed, contract hauler, disposal location, and disposal date of the sludge?
Are solids removed frequently to prevent drains from clogging, or sumps from overflowing?
Are used filters and other solid waste stored in covered containers until ready to send to the landfill?
If it is not practical to store material awaiting disposal in closed containers, is the material well covered with a tarp to prevent stormwater contamination?
If heavy equipment is stored at the facility, are the dirty portions of the equipment covered when not in use to control runoff contamination?
Are reusable or recyclable materials used whenever possible?
Is there an effort to reduce the number of different products used, in order to reduce inventory, incompatibilities, and disposal problems?
Is there a current, up-to-date inventory?
Are materials used within their shelf life?
Are materials stored securely, tightly closed and properly labeled?
Are spare empty containers available for storing materials from leaking or damaged containers?
Are absorbent materials on hand for spill clean up?
Is there a spill containment and clean up program in place?
If applicable, is there secondary containment available?
Is the storage area properly maintained and are careful storage practices implemented?
Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all materials handled at the facility?
Do all employees know the location of the MSDS?
Do all employees know how to use the MSDS?
Does the recycle system have adequate capacity to handle maximum hourly flows?
Is there a visual inspection conducted daily and are adjustments to the system made accordingly?
Are there any visible signs of spills or leaks?
When leaks are discovered are they repaired promptly?
Is the disinfection system working properly?
Is there a log recording daily chemical use?
Are soaps and other detergents used sparingly?
Has a need to increase the amount of soap used to clean the vehicles been noticed?
If the answer to question #7 (above) is yes, has it been checked to see if the Total Suspended Solids amount is too high, which means that the system may need to be drained?
Is the system drained regularly?
When draining the system, is the spent water disposed of according to local, state and federal regulations?
Is proper documentation kept concerning the spent water disposal?
Is the recycle system maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations?
Is the Operator’s Manual available for easy reference?
Are the manufacturer’s instructions, procedures, cautions and warnings followed when operating the recycle system?
Is there a preventive maintenance schedule in place?
Is there a maintenance log?
Is the maintenance log kept up to date?
Is the recycle system inspected regularly, according to schedule?
Is the circulation maintained when the system not in use, to prevent foul odors?
Is the person(s) operating the recycle system properly trained?
If a drinking water source is used as the make up water source for the facility, is there a reduced pressure zone backflow preventer (or an equivalent device) installed?
Is the soap/detergent used appropriate for use in the recycling systems? (i.e., is it biodegradable, has neutral pH, produces moderate foaming, is it low emulsifying?)
Are all the records concerning the facility kept on site?
Is the facility kept clean, orderly and safe?
Are the isles and walkways safe and free of clutter, obstructions and materials?
Are routine clean-up operations scheduled?
Are the employees trained in good housekeeping techniques?
Are the cleaning supplies properly stored? (See also “Storage section” above).
Are the employees trained on proper use of cleaning chemicals? (See also “Safety section” below).
Are OSHA guidelines followed when performing every operation?
Are all the employees trained on safety issues?
Are all the operators trained in operating the recycle system according to the manufacturer’s instructions?
Are the employees aware of any toxic chemicals they may come in contact with while performing their duties?
Are the employees trained on how to properly handle chemicals?
Are the employees trained on how to use the Material Safety Data Sheets?
Is personal protection equipment (PPE) required?
Is PPE used when handling chemicals?
Are the operators trained on handling leaks, spills, disposal of used oil and other liquids, and solid waste?
Are all work areas well ventilated?
Is the practice of adding excessive amounts of chemicals to the system avoided?
If applicable, is there a chemical management plan?
Is there an emergency contact list?
Is there a spill prevention and control management
Is there a plan with procedures for preparedness and response to emergency situations including fi re, spills, hurricane and other severe weather conditions?
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)