
MaintainX – Assets Management

The primary purpose of an asset management system is to provide comprehensive visibility and control over an organization's assets, allowing for efficient planning, utilization, maintenance, and disposal of those assets.
Cedar Care Homes

MaintainX – Assets Management

The primary purpose of an asset management system is to provide comprehensive visibility and control over an organization's assets, allowing for efficient planning, utilization, maintenance, and disposal of those assets.

    MaintainX allows us to track every asset in the home and simplifies the problem reporting process. It generates logs of all breakdowns for rapid identification and resolution, facilitating thorough inventory audits, enabling assessment of asset efficiency, and ensuring prompt problem resolution.

    Assets are managed in the mobile app as follows:

    1. Adding new assets and attaching QR codes:

    • 16.05.2024_11.15.28_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.16.19_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.16.57_REC.png

    i. Asset Name. ii. Picture of the Asset. iii. Location – Click on Sub-Locations button under the specific location to see the full list and select the right one. iv. Enter Serial Number, Model, Manufacturer, Year if available. v. Choose Asset Type.

    • 16.05.2024_11.18.45_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.19.29_REC.png

    2. Transferring assets between rooms/homes:

    • 16.05.2024_11.23.27_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.24.14_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.29.05_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.29.42_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.30.20_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.31.03_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.31.52_REC.png
    • 16.05.2024_11.32.23_REC.png
Source: Cedar Care Homes (Community Member)

Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.