Veterinary Drugs Self-Inspection Checklist
Use this Vet Drugs Inspection Form to ensure that your hospital complies with the government's standards and requirements. All drugs and biologicals shall be maintained, administered, dispensed, and prescribed in compliance with State and Federal laws.
Veterinary Drugs Self-Inspection Checklist
Use this Vet Drugs Inspection Form to ensure that your hospital complies with the government's standards and requirements. All drugs and biologicals shall be maintained, administered, dispensed, and prescribed in compliance with State and Federal laws.
Clinic Name:
OVMEB Registration #
City, St, Zip:
Managing Veterinarian:
Click here to sign
Date of Inspection:
Does the outlet have written policies and procedures for drug security, acquisition, storage, labeling, disposal and record keeping?
Does the outlet keep all drugs in a locked drug cabinet or drug storage area that denies access to unauthorized persons?
Are controlled substances listed in schedules I, II, III, IV an V kept in a locked cabinet with access limited to persons authorized by the Managing Veterinarian?
Does the outlet only acquire drugs from a supplier registered with the Oregon Board of Pharmacy?
Name of supplier(s) and registration #(s):
Are the invoices readily retrievable?
Kept for 3 years?
Are all outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded, or adulterated drugs properly quarantined and physically separated until destroyed or returned to the supplier?
Where are outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded, or adulterated controlled drugs stored?
Note: At the discretion of the veterinarian, outdated drugs may be dispensed as long as the client is informed and there are no fees charged for the drugs.
Does the outlet store all drugs in appropriate conditions including temperature, light, humidity, sanitation, ventilation and space?
How does the outlet ensure proper temperatures are maintained?
Are all prescriptions properly labeled?
Name of patient;
Name or initials of prescriber;
Name, address, and phone number of the clinic;
Date of dispensing;
Name and strength of the drug.
Quantity dispensed;
Directions for use;
Manufacturer's expiration date, or an earlier date if preferable, after which the patient should not use the drug
Cautionary information
Does the veterinarian or their representative orally counsel the client concerning all new drugs prescribed, unless circumstances would render oral counseling ineffective?
Are prescription drugs dispensed in a suitable container appropriately labeled for subsequent veterinary patient administration, to a client or other individual entitled to receive the prescription drug?
Are Controlled substances and legend drugs dispensed, ordered or prescribed based on a VCPR?
For all drugs Is a unique dispensing record maintained separately from the patient chart?
Are records kept for a minimum of 3 years?
Does the dispensing record contain?
Name of patient
Dose, dosage form, quantity dispensed
Directions for use
Date of dispensing; and
Name of person dispensing the prescription
Are Rabies vaccines administered only by an Oregon-licensed veterinarian, a Certified Veterinary Technician under direct supervision of an Oregon-licensed veterinarian, or a person authorized by the Oregon Public Health Veterinarian pursuant to OAR 333-019-0017?
Inspector Comments:
Printed Name and Title:
Click here to sign
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)