
Monthly Electric Vehicle Battery Check

Follow this procedure for a monthly preventive maintenance of your electric vehicle's batter. This is necessary to be able to check health of your battery and to avoid future damages and vehicle breakdown.
Pacific Seafood - Woodland

Monthly Electric Vehicle Battery Check

Follow this procedure for a monthly preventive maintenance of your electric vehicle's batter. This is necessary to be able to check health of your battery and to avoid future damages and vehicle breakdown.

    Battery Check

    Are all battery cells water fill level i just over their plates? [¿Todas las celdas de la batería tienen el nivel de llenado de agua justo por encima de sus placas?]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Source: Pacific Seafood - Woodland (Community Member)

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