
Monday Morning Fryer Oil Change out

Monday Morning Line cooks are to drain, clean, and refill fryer. We safely dispose of used oil in the early monday mornings to avoid having to replace the oil in the middle of the day while the oil is at a high temperature , we dispose of the oil in the designated container outside of the restaurant.
Main St Tacos Fryer

Monday Morning Fryer Oil Change out

Monday Morning Line cooks are to drain, clean, and refill fryer. We safely dispose of used oil in the early monday mornings to avoid having to replace the oil in the middle of the day while the oil is at a high temperature , we dispose of the oil in the designated container outside of the restaurant.

    Empty Oil ~ Vacia Aceite

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    Remove Splash guard ~ Quitar el protector contra salpicaduras

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    Scrub ~ Fregar

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    • ScreenShot2024-07-01at12.11.27PM.png
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    Close Drain ~ Cierre drenaje

    • ScreenShot2024-07-01at12.11.27PM.jpg

    Refill Fryer ~ Reyene

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    • ScreenShot2024-06-22at9.20.58PM.png
Source: Main St Tacos Fryer (Community Member)

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