
Basement Fertigation Check

Checking the compatibility between fertilizers for fertigation is important to avoid precipitation and clogging of irrigation lines. These problems also arise associated with poor water quality, either by excess Fe or carbonate contents or by microbial growth. check of Basement Fertigation system.
Ascend - MA-Athol-134 Chestnut Hill (Cultivation)

Basement Fertigation Check

Checking the compatibility between fertilizers for fertigation is important to avoid precipitation and clogging of irrigation lines. These problems also arise associated with poor water quality, either by excess Fe or carbonate contents or by microbial growth. check of Basement Fertigation system.

    Pump Skid Checks

    Alarms on touchscreen/Comments

    Note any alarms, strange noises, or comments.

    Pressure Reading

    Note pressure reading if skid is running. If not running, enter "0"

    Pump skid Pass/Fail

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    OZONE Generator Checks

    Process Flow Light

    The Process Flow Light should NOT be on.

    Ambient O3 reading

    ORP reading

    Dissolved Oxygen reading


    Note any strange noises or comments

    RO Tank Check

    Physical check of RO Tanks

    Flag if water level is below half. Fail if water level is LOW.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Xylem Recirculation Pump Check

    Are there Alarms present?

    Pressure Reading

    Enter pressure reading on Pump Display

    RO Skid Check

    Check RO Skid for Alarms

    Does the RO Skid have any Alarms?

Source: Ascend - MA-Athol-134 Chestnut Hill (Cultivation) (Community Member)

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