Old Scouts Lock in Steps to be Deleted
This is a checklist to ensure all appliances and equipment in each floor of the facility are unplugged and turned off to avoid overheating and fire hazard.
Old Scouts Lock in Steps to be Deleted
This is a checklist to ensure all appliances and equipment in each floor of the facility are unplugged and turned off to avoid overheating and fire hazard.
4th floor
10:30PM close off 4th floor and start shut down guest can still play on 3rd and 1st floor
3rd floor
11:00PM close off 3rd floor and begin shutdown, guest sleeping on the 4th can now go get their stuff and set up on the 4th floor only. remaining guest can still play on the 1st floor
1st floor
11:30PM guest sleeping on the 3rd floor can now go get their stuff and set up on the 3rd floor only, close off the 1st floor and begin shutdown, guest sleeping on the 1st floor can go get their stuff and wait in the party room until 1st floor prep is done
Turn off breakers for building lights
1st floor
3rd floor
4th floor
Source: WonderWorks (Community Member)