
Portable Chiller Monthly PMs

Effective maintenance prevents costly repairs, damaging vibrations, corrosion, obstructed contactors, damaged coils, and broken condenser tubes. Regular maintenance examples include checking for any fluid leakages, replacing oil filters, reducing moisture, assessing water flow rates, refrigerant charges, etc.
Pacific Seafood - Woodland

Portable Chiller Monthly PMs

Effective maintenance prevents costly repairs, damaging vibrations, corrosion, obstructed contactors, damaged coils, and broken condenser tubes. Regular maintenance examples include checking for any fluid leakages, replacing oil filters, reducing moisture, assessing water flow rates, refrigerant charges, etc.

    Electrical Components [componentes eléctricos]

    Check the condition of electrical connections at all contactors, starters and controls. Check for loose or frayed wires. [Verifique el estado de las conexiones eléctricas en todos los contactores, arrancadores y controles. Compruebe si hay cables sueltos o deshilachados.]

    • Electrical.png
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Filters [Filtros]

    • 3.png
    • AirFilter.png

    Cleanup [Limpiar]

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Source: Pacific Seafood - Woodland (Community Member)

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