Service Operator's Inspection Checklist
Use this checklist to inspect fueling and service stations for safety and proper waste management. This checklist has been developed to help the operator control the risks associated with the storage and handling of fuel. Attendants and operators must be trained on the use of the specific equipment at their facility.
Service Operator's Inspection Checklist
Use this checklist to inspect fueling and service stations for safety and proper waste management. This checklist has been developed to help the operator control the risks associated with the storage and handling of fuel. Attendants and operators must be trained on the use of the specific equipment at their facility.
Inspection carried out by:
Site perimeter
Manifest box is in good condition, water tight and securely fastened with locking mechanism working properly.
Check contents of manifest and site plan information:
contacts information correct and up-to-date
storage locations and quantities as shown are correct
document is good condition and legible.
Service station forecourt
"Hardstand area above underground tanks, fill boxes and dispensing areas are in good condition. Note any damage. Take photos to assess if minor damage is increasing with time."
Is the tanker fill exclusion zone clearly marked on the forecourt? Demarcations on pavement become worn and fade requiring a periodic refresh.
Fill point caps and fill box seals are in good condition? No water should accumulate within them. Drain lever in fill box should be operating correctly.
Correct fill and dip point markers are located for each tank? ULP-violet / white, PULP-yellow/white, Diesel-olive/black, E10-violet/orange
Condition of Vent pipes?
Are they secured and undamaged?
Are they clear of vegetation within 3 m?
Are vent caps present and functional?
Ensure vent termination points are clear of any debris, exclude rain ingress and help diffuse and dissipate vapours.
Are bollards that protect the dispensers, aboveground tanks and vent pipes in good condition and remain fit for purpose? Repair where impact has occurred and ensure they remain robust and effective.
Are placards on aboveground tanks in good condition and clearly visible from normal approaches?
Maintaining safety during tanker filling operations
This section applies when a tanker vehicle is on site to deliver fuels and fill product tanks (e.g. petrol and LPG)
Does the tanker vehicle position itself appropriately on site within the property boundaries?
Are appropriate exclusion zones around connection points set up using barriers and safety signs? The tanker driver must comply with the Transport Operations (Road Use Management–Dangerous Goods) Regulation 2008 which requires an 8 m diameter exclusion zone for petrol and a 10 m exclusion zone for LPG from the tanker’s hose connection point.
Are any dispensers within the exclusion area shut down for the duration of the transfer process?
Dispensing area
Are hosepipes, break away couplings and nozzles free of damage?
Any visible signs of leaks? Ensure damage is promptly repaired. Latching devices must be removed from petrol dispensing nozzles
‘A Stop Engine. No Smoking’ sign must be clearly visible at each flammable liquid dispenser. Is this and any other safety sign clearly visible and legible?
Fire extinguishers:
A minimum of 2 x 9 kg ABE (powder) type extinguishers must be available in the dispensing area. Are they clearly visible in the direction of approach for vehicles?
Note: 1 extinguisher is sufficient if diesel only is dispensed.
Is it charged and ready for use? The needle in the pressure gauge of all fire extinguishers is in the green area.
A yellow maintenance tag is attached and embossed with a date mark of last inspection which is within the previous 6 months?
Any LPG dispenser and self serve and pay dispensers must have an easily accessible emergency stop button close to the dispensing area.
Are there any visible spills in the dispensing area? Check on source of any leaks (e.g. hoses). Clean up residual liquids to avoid slips and trips or potential ignitions.
Is there a spill kit easily accessible to the dispensing area?
Where site specific spill containment equipment is made available such as drain covers, are they in good condition and accessible?
"Is the dispensing area well illuminated during night time operations where applicable? Lighting should allow for all signs and pump information to be clearly visible. "
LPG cylinder exchange facility
Is a red Class 2.1 diamond and a ‘Flammable Gas – No Smoking, No Flame’ sign clearly visible on the cage?
Are cage/s located away from trafficable areas? Exchange cylinder cages should be positioned so that impacts are minimised and away from potential ignition sources in well ventilated areas. Minimum separation distances from various items are detailed in the guide.
Is the cage/s locked when not in use?
Is the cage/s clear of any rubbish or accumulated combustible material? Avoid storages of fire timber or oil products next to cages.
Is the emergency stop switch in the console area is clearly labelled?
Are all the dispensing units clearly visible by direct vision or cameras?
Is there an up-to-date emergency telephone/contact list adjacent to the control console?
Is a copy of the site emergency plan easily accessible to the console operator?
Do portable fuel containers for sale to the public comply with AS 2906-2001- Fuel containers –portable-plastic and metal? Containers should have an embossed marking indicating compliance.
Are all hazardous chemicals and combustible liquids in packages stored and handled so they cannot contaminate food, food packaging and personal use products? Ensure such products are separated in retail areas.
Is the first aid kit appropriately stocked and readily accessible?
Documents and records
Are the following available at the location unless otherwise specified?
Hazardous chemical register and safety data sheets (SDS)?
Site operating and maintenance procedures?
Safe work procedure and permit system for conducting any repair or renovation work on the forecourt within the vicinity of the fuel dispensers and their associated hazardous areas?
Acknowledgement letter that the site has notified as a manifest quantity workplace? May be retained at corporate office location.
Acknowledgement letter from that the site has submitted the emergency plan? May be retained at corporate office location."
Record of daily tank dips and stock reconciliation? Procedures must detail what to do if an issue is found (e.g. non-reconcilable volumes).
Maintenance records for the site’s storage and handling systems? Examples include, tank and pipework inspections, cathodic protection system inspection reports, fire fighting system maintenance reports. While these may be kept at a central or corporate office location, they must be made available if requested by an inspector.
Incident reporting and investigation system?
Staff training logs and records? Console operators must know what constitutes and emergency what to do in an emergency such as dealing with gas leaks and fuel spills. They must also know actions to take to control ignition sources on the forecourt, and turning off pumps.
Register of safety meetings and minutes?
Using the table below, record each item found to be non compliant or unsatisfactory and ensure each item is assigned to a responsible person and actioned in an appropriate time frame.
Non compliance/issue:
Corrective action:
Responsible person:
Date completed:
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)