PG Tank Check
The PG Tank Check is a routine inspection to ensure the safety, functionality, and compliance of all tanks and associated equipment. This process involves a thorough examination of each tank, its thermometer, valves, and catwalks, as applicable.
PG Tank Check
The PG Tank Check is a routine inspection to ensure the safety, functionality, and compliance of all tanks and associated equipment. This process involves a thorough examination of each tank, its thermometer, valves, and catwalks, as applicable.
Tank 1
Tank 1 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
Is the catwalk in the correct storage position
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Tank 2
Tank 2 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
Is the catwalk in the correct storage position
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Tank 3
Tank 3 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
Is the catwalk in the correct storage position
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Tank 4
Tank 4 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
Is the catwalk in the correct storage position
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Tank 5
Tank 5 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
Is the catwalk in the correct storage position
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Tank 6
Tank 6 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
Tank 16
Tank 16 Thermometer
Meter name
Is there any leaks or defects?
Are all transfer and loading valves shut
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Source: AA - Roanoke (Community Member)