Private Health Facility Inspection and Evaluation Checklist
By using this privte health facility inspection checklist you ensure that healthcare services are meeting the required standards of care, that good practice is identified and areas for improvement are addressed.
Private Health Facility Inspection and Evaluation Checklist
By using this privte health facility inspection checklist you ensure that healthcare services are meeting the required standards of care, that good practice is identified and areas for improvement are addressed.
Name of Facility:
Date of inspection:
Facility representative:
SECTION A - Infection Prevention and Control
Handwashing facilities are available throughout the facility in accordance with the requirements of the Australasian Healthcare Facility Guidelines.
Liquid soap is available at the hand basin.
Paper towel is available at the hand basin.
Waste bins are located close to the hand basin.
Alcohol-based hand rubs are available at point of care.
Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is available in procedure rooms (gloves, gowns/aprons, eye & face protection).
Appropriate sized sharps containers are available – these are secured to a trolley, wall mount or point of use tray.
Waste management plan is in place including management of medical waste bins.
Air sampling test results meet requirements.
Window finishes (blinds, curtains, frosting etc.).
Dust capture points.
Furnishings - Infection control assessment only.
Floor coverings.
Single use items
Multiple use solutions or medications.
Cleaning solutions.
General Overall Cleanliness of facility
Water distribution operation, and maintenance plan is in place.
Problem areas identified (cite item number/s)
Any other problem areas identified
Remedial actions agreed
Timeline agreed (Review date)
Overall Assessment decision
All requirements met?
Inspector’s Name:
Inspector’s Signature: …
Click here to sign
SECTION B - Infrastructure
General access
Emergency access
Emergency procedures – plans and procedures for emergency personnel and required equipment.
Is there a fire safety risk assessment and management plan in place? Confirm placement of extinguishers.
Managing the deteriorating patient.
Appropriate escalation and retrieval plans are in place including access to relevant equipment.
After hours patient contact and referral services for patients.
Consent – is there a process for informed consent for patients.
Patient privacy -including post op recovery.
Are patient information sheets available?
Drug storage including storage, administration and disposal.
Record management
Operating or Procedure rooms are air-conditioned.
Room numbering and room identification is clearly identifiable.
Prevention of scalding
Toilets -staff and patients
Staff change rooms
Communication and call bells.
Duress alarms
Has the facility has been accredited according to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards? Is evidence available?
Is there a Worker Health and Safety Plan / Occupational Health and Safety Plan?
Reverse osmosis (if present.)
Plumbing certification. Including commissioning water testing results if applicable.
Electrical Certification
Problem areas identified (cite item number/s)
Any other problem areas identified
Remedial actions agreed
Timeline agreed (Review date)
Overall Assessment decision
All requirements met?
Inspector’s Name:
Inspector’s Signature:
Click here to sign
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)