
Room Audit

Check that all are in good condition
Onondaga Center

Room Audit

Check that all are in good condition
Procedure Max Score: 70

    Preventative Maintenance - Resident Rooms

    Room Number

    Physical Environment

    Check for visible damage


    Check for looseness

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for looseness

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for holes

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for loose drawers and physical damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Bulletin boards

    Check that each room has one

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Wall Tile

    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Wall Paint

    Check for chips and damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Ceiling Grills

    Check that all are attached fully

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Cubicle Tracks

    Check that all are attached fully

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Floor Tile/base

    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Night Stands

    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Overbed Tables

    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Bathroom fixtures

    Assure that all are attached fully

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check for damage

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check Operation of all

    Light Fixtures

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Light switches

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Call Cords/Lights

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    GFCI Receptacles

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Soap Dispenser

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Paper towel dispenser

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Water Temps

    Bed Pan Sprayer

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Toilet/ Valves

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Doors/ latches

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Exhaust Fans

    Place a piece of paper on the grill. If it stays it passes.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Bed rails/ locks

    If no bed rails, check that the bed is locked in place.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Electric Bed Serial Number

    Electric bed function

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Electric bed electrical

    Check for damaged cords/ wires.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Appliance Cords

    Check for damaged cords. Green sticker the appliance.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Heat/ Ac Units

    Check operation of heat

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check operation of wheel locks, wheels, and leg lifts

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
Source: Onondaga Center (Community Member)

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