
Daily Pool and Spa Inspection

Regular pool and spa inspections are important for maintaining the value of your pool and property. As a bonus, maintenance checks can save you money. This is because they will help identify problems before they become expensive to repair.
Sand Hollow Resort

Daily Pool and Spa Inspection

Regular pool and spa inspections are important for maintaining the value of your pool and property. As a bonus, maintenance checks can save you money. This is because they will help identify problems before they become expensive to repair.

    ORP (enter value below)

    pH (enter value below)

    Filter pressure (enter value below)(if pressure exceeds 30psi, backwash must be performed)

    Backwash needed/performed? If filter pressure exceeds 30psi, backwash must be performed.

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A

    Temperature (enter value below)

    Clean? Yes = pass. No = fail (will auto generate work order to clean pool) “FLAG” is not used.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Confirm chemical drums have sufficient supply

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A

    Free chlorine level

Source: Sand Hollow Resort (Community Member)

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