Hotel Inspection Checklist: Public Areas
This Hotel PM Checklist will help keep your property and public areas attractive and in good condition all year. Use this checklist to catch minor issues before they turn into more expensive repair and remodeling projects.
Hotel Inspection Checklist: Public Areas
This Hotel PM Checklist will help keep your property and public areas attractive and in good condition all year. Use this checklist to catch minor issues before they turn into more expensive repair and remodeling projects.
Start Date:
End Date:
Start Date:
End Date:
Final Signoff
Signature of Initial Inspector
Click here to sign
PUBLIC AREAS – Parking Lot Area
Inspect signage illuminated and condition.
Inspect parking lot lights. (correct time to turn on, working)
Inspect parking lot condition.
Inspect parking lot stripes.
Inspect curb markings.
Inspect landscaping. (flowers, trees, mulch, etc.)
Inspect sidewalks. (cracks, stains, break-up, etc.)
PUBLIC AREAS – Dumpster Area
Check dumpster gates and lock. (condition, paint, etc.)
Check dumpster gates and lock. (condition, paint, etc.)
Inspect dumpster area. (condition, stains, storage)
PUBLIC AREAS – Hotel Exterior
Inspect exterior windows/screens. (condition)
Inspect waste cans and ashtrays. (condition, stains)
Check exterior doors. (condition, hinges)
Check exterior locks. (condition, works)
Inspect lights. (illuminated and clean)
Inspect outside of building. (stains, rust, discoloration)
Check roof, clean drains.
PUBLIC AREAS – Business Center
Check lighting. (illuminates, clean)
Inspect switches. (condition)
Inspect counter. (condition)
Inspect waste can. (condition, clean)
Inspect carpet. (clean, condition)
Inspect chairs. (condition, wheels, handle)
Inspect cabinets. (doors, hinges, shelves)
Inspect walls. (condition)
Check all equipment. (cords, condition, working)
Inspect lighting. (illuminates, switches, operable, clean)
Check toasters. (cords, condition)
Check microwaves. (cords, condition)
Check other equipment. (cords, condition)
Inspect cabinets. (condition, doors, shelves)
Inspect electrical outlets. (condition, working)
Inspect counter. (condition)
Inspect tables. (stable, condition)
Inspect chairs. (stable, condition, clean)
Inspect vents. (clean, condition)
Inspect walls. (condition, clean)
Inspect carpet/flooring. (condition, clean)
Inspect flooring. (condition, clean)
Inspect counters. (condition, clean)
Check drains. (clean, working)
Check sinks and faucets. (condition, leaks, clean)
Check dishwashing unit. (hoses, temperature, condition)
Inspect refrigeration unit. (hoses, temperature, condition)
Check lighting. (operable, clean)
Inspect walls. (condition)
Inspect shelving. (condition)
PUBLIC AREAS – Restrooms
Inspect signage. (correct, condition, clean)
Check door. (lock, operable, condition)
Inspect mirrors. (condition, secure, clean)
Inspect counter/vanity. (condition, secure, clean)
Inspect stall walls. (condition, clean)
Check sinks. (drains, caulking, condition)
Check toilets. (operable, caulking, seats)
Inspect walls. (condition, clean)
Inspect floors. (condition, clean)
Check fans/vents. (operable, clean)
Inspect lighting. (operable, clean)
Inspect chart. (staff hourly checking condition of restroom)
PUBLIC AREAS – Storage Areas/Maintenance Room
Inspect storage area. (organized, clean)
Inspect UL fire-rated storage cabinet. (in place and filled with flammable paint, stains, adhesives, etc.)
Inspect first aid kit. (complete)
Inspect storage area walls. (condition)
Check doors. (locks work, open easily)
Inspect vents. (clean)
Check paperwork. (work orders, PM inspecting forms, purchase orders – filed, completed)
Verify keys for area. (available, secure)
Check lighting. (operable, clean)
Inspect tool inventory. (complete)
Check cribs are in good working order. (secure and safe)
Check crib mattresses are in good working order. (clean)
Check rollaway beds are in good working order.
PUBLIC AREAS – Closet Areas
Inspect doors/locks. (condition, operable)
Inspect shelves/brackets. (condition, secure)
Check for organization.
Check pool door/gate/lock are in good working order. (operable, secure, self-closing)
Inspect shelves for clean pool towels. (clean, durable, stable, organized)
Inspect used pool towel receptacle. (clean and neat looking)
Check pool phone and ensure it is in good working condition and clean.
Inspect pool area and ensure water is clean and free of debris.
Inspect lounge chairs are in good working order. (condition, clean)
Inspect chairs are in good working order. (condition, clean)
Inspect tables are in good working order. (condition, clean)
Inspect umbrellas are in good working order. (condition, clean)
Check pool filters are clean and in good working order.
Chemicals. (stored, secure)
Inspect water test paperwork. (completed in accordance with state and local laws, organized by date and in binder)
Inspect pool deck. (condition, markings)
Inspect pool walls. (condition, clean)
Inspect fence. (condition, secure)
Inspect waste cans. (condition, clean)
Inspect signage. (condition, secure)
Check for life-saving equipment. (available, condition)
Inspect pump. (operable, clean)
Inspect universal weight machine. (operable, condition)
Inspect 2nd piece of equipment. (operable, condition)
Inspect 3rd piece of equipment. (operable, condition)
Inspect 4th piece of equipment. (operable, condition)
Inspect lighting. (operable, condition)
Check television. (operable, secure)
Check windows and window sills. (clean, condition)
Inspect carpeting. (clean, condition)
Check scales. (operable, available)
Inspect spa. (condition, operational)
Inspect floor. (condition)
Inspect lighting. (operable, clean)
Inspect signage. (secure, condition)
Check for storage bins. (condition)
Inspect water test paperwork. (completed in accordance with state and local laws, organized by date and in binder)
PUBLIC AREAS – Vending Areas
Inspect vending machines and vending machine lighting. (operable, condition)
Inspect electrical outlets. (secure, condition)
Inspect drainage. (clean, condition)
Inspect and test ice machines. (operable, clean)
Inspect ice machine filter and change if necessary.
Inspect lighting. (operable, clean)
Inspect signage. (secure, condition)
Inspect flooring. (condition, clean)
Inspect area rug. (condition, clean)
Inspect chairs. (condition, clean)
Inspect couch. (condition, clean)
Check the condition of lobby area tables. Inspect lamps. (operable, condition, cords)
Inspect lampshades. (condition, secure)
Inspect lobby telephone. (clean, operable)
Inspect plants. (clean, condition)
Inspect planters. (clean, condition)
Inspect lighting. (clean, operable)
Inspect signage. (condition)
Inspect doors. (condition, clean, operable)
Inspect flooring. (condition, clean)
Inspect railing. (secure, condition)
Inspect counter. (condition)
Inspect entry and lobby walls. (condition)
Check luggage carts. (operable, clean, condition)
Verify music. (operable)
Inspect area rug. (condition, clean)
PUBLIC AREAS – Elevators
Inspect lighting. (operable, clean)
Inspect walls. (condition)
Inspect telephone. (operable, secure)
Inspect flooring. (condition)
Inspect doors and door tracks. (clean, operable)
Inspect signage. (condition)
Inspect carpet 1st floor. (condition, clean)
Inspect walls 1st floor. (condition, clean)
Inspect lighting. (operable, clean)
Check fire extinguishers. (condition, date)
Check fire alarms. (operable, clean)
Check exit signs. (operable, bulbs
Inspect carpet 2nd floor. (condition, clean)
Inspect other signage – vending. (secure, clean)
Inspect stairwells. (clean, condition)
Inspect railings. (secure, condition)
Inspect stairwell doors. (condition, operable)
Inspect stairwell signage. (condition)
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)