
Universal Robots UR5 Operating Procedure

This procedure template contains startup info, how to create a new program or load an existing one, and list of inspections and preventative maintenance that Universal Robots recommends be performed on UR5 cobot & its control box
Conestoga College - SMART Centre

Universal Robots UR5 Operating Procedure

This procedure template contains startup info, how to create a new program or load an existing one, and list of inspections and preventative maintenance that Universal Robots recommends be performed on UR5 cobot & its control box

    CAUTION: PPE is required in lab area and when working with equipment.

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    Inspection Plans

    Robot Startup

    Turning on Controller

    Press power button, wait for controller to initialize. Boot-up prompt should pop up.

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    Turning on Robot

    After controller powers on, ensure e-stop is unpressed and navigate to initialization screen.

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    Press "On" button. Status is displayed above.

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    Robot status should be "idle", press start.

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    Robot should now be set to program.

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    Configuring TCP and Mounting

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    Enter coordinates of TCP relative to robot's coordinate system and weight of payload, if applicable. Press "ok".

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    How to start a new program, or load an existing one

    If initialization has not be performed, please refer to section above.

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    To start a new program:

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    To open an existing program:

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    Displayed in the image are programs saved on the robot controller. External programs can be imported via USB and selected using the drop-down menu.

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    Running program directly from home screen is recommended mainly for regular operation, and if program is fully complete & verified.

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    Control Box Safety Functions Inspection

    1. Press emergency stop button on Teach Pendant 2. Observe that the robot stops and turns off the power to joints. 3. Power on robot again.

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    1. Unmount attachment or set TCP/Payload/CoG according to tool specifications 2. Set the robot in Free drive mode by holding the black Freedrive button on the back of Teach Pendant. 3. Move the robot to a position stretched out horizontally to the edge of its workspace. 4. Monitor that the robot maintains its position unsupported while the Freedrive button is still pressed.

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    If the robot is close to collision, the BACKDRIVE function can be used to move the robot to a safe position before initializing. 1. Presss ON to enable power, state will change to idle. 2. Press and hold Freedrive -> status will change to BACKDRIVE. 3. Move the robot by hand as in Freedrive. Note: In BACKDRIVE mode, brakes will only be released on individual joints when they are moved, and will remain released as long as the Freedrive button is pushed. Robot will be "heavy" to move around compared to Freedrive mode.

    Verify that the safety settings of the robot comply with Risk Assessment of the robot installation. Check which safety inputs and outputs are active, and test that they can be triggered.

    Control Box Visual Inspection

    Robot Functional Inspection

    Note: Never use compressed air to clean the robot as it can damage the seals and internal components. If any damage is observed on robot within warranty period, contact distributor.

    HOME position is defined as zero position of all joints.

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    Replace flat rings if worn out or damaged.

    Replace blue lids if cracked or damaged.

    1. Replace screws, if necessary. 2. Torque screws on blue lids to 0.4Nm.

Source: Conestoga College - SMART Centre (Community Member)

Please note that any procedure, checklist, or other document available in the MaintainX Procedure Hub is provided for general education and information only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice. MaintainX makes the materials available AS IS and AS PROVIDED, without warranties of any kind. By downloading or using any such materials, you assume the risk that they may not be appropriate for your specific situation and agree that you are solely responsible for any such use, including compliance with applicable law and with meeting any conditions of product warranties.