This procedure assesses the vehicle's condition by monitoring tire pressure, hydraulic fluid, and winch operation. Regular checks help maintain safety and reliability.
This procedure assesses the vehicle's condition by monitoring tire pressure, hydraulic fluid, and winch operation. Regular checks help maintain safety and reliability.
General vehicle condition
Check tire pressure and check for wear. Repair and replace tires as needed.
Check hydraulic fluid level and check hydraulic lines for leaks. Repair as necessary.
*AP8850 models - Check the drive shaft bolts on each drive wheel. Make sure they are tight!
Check the condition of the winch strap, hook, and strut straps. If hook is damaged, or nylon frayed replace ASAP.
Check winch function including winch cutout device(s)
Check cradle and gates for damage. Repair as necessary.
Check service brake function
Check deadman brake function, adjust as needed
Record hours into the hour meter section
Meter name
Source: Modern Aviation - SMF (Community Member)