
Fire Extinguisher Inspections - Annual


Fire Extinguisher Inspections - Annual

    What does annual maintenance of portable fire extinguishers involve?

    • Annual1.PNG
    • Annual2.PNG
    • Annual2.PNG
    • Annual4.PNG
    • Annual5.PNG

    How can I tell how old my Fire Extinguisher is?

    On the chrome liquid types, that date is usually found on the hanger loop.

    On the regular ABC, BC, or Halon extinguishers that date is usually found on the label, however

    Some manufacturers stamp the date in the "boot" located around the extinguisher base or right on the base itself.

    On the CO2 type extinguishers this date is found stamped around the shoulder near the top. There may be multiple date stamps, look for the most recent.

    *NOTE: This is required for CO2 type extinguishers and optional for Dry Chemical.

    • AnnualTamperSeal.PNG
    • AnnualDate.PNG

    If you have any questions, please contact your respective Region Safety Manager.

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