Bryant Legacy Rooftop Gas Heating/Electric Cooling 580J Commercial Rooftop HVAC Monthly Maintenance
The following items should be part of a routine maintenance program and should to be checked every month until a specific schedule for each can be identified for this installation.
Bryant Legacy Rooftop Gas Heating/Electric Cooling 580J Commercial Rooftop HVAC Monthly Maintenance
The following items should be part of a routine maintenance program and should to be checked every month until a specific schedule for each can be identified for this installation.
The following items should be part of a routine maintenance program and should to be checked every month until a specific schedule for each can be identified for this installation:
Air Conditioning
Economizer or Outside Air Damper
Air Filters and Screens
Return Air Filters
CAUTION: PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD Failure to follow this caution may result in premature wear and damage to equipment. Dirt and debris can collect on heat exchangers and coils and can cause excessive current used resulting in motor failure.
Removing the Return Air Filters:
Reinstalling the Access Panel:
Outside Air Hood
Economizer Inlet Air Screen
This air screen is retained by filter clips under the top edge of the hood. See Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 -- Inlet Air Screen Installation
Manual Outside Air Hood Screen
This inlet screen is secured by a retainer angle across the top edge of the hood. See Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 -- Screens Installed on Outdoor--Air Hood (Sizes 7--1/2 to 15 Tons Shown)
Source: Bryant