Water Storage Facilities Periodic Inspection Checklist
Use this checklis to help you inspect the exterior of the storage reservoir and grounds daily for evidence of intrusion, vandalism, security integrity, general gross structural conditions (visible from the exterior), and obvious leakage from pipes.
Water Storage Facilities Periodic Inspection Checklist
Use this checklis to help you inspect the exterior of the storage reservoir and grounds daily for evidence of intrusion, vandalism, security integrity, general gross structural conditions (visible from the exterior), and obvious leakage from pipes.
Periodic inspections review areas of storage facilities not normally accessible during routine daily activities. These include visual checks of both the exterior and interior.
Semi-annual or annual periodic inspections at each reservoir document the following:
Roof hatches and visible roof structural components
Vent and overflow screens
Floating covers
Locks on reservoir hatches, to manholes or doors
Valve chamber including piping, valves, seals, and other appurtenances
Changes in water color, odor or turbidity (visual observation through hatches)
Appearance of any algae, slime, worm growths, or of floating or settled materials (visual observation through hatches)
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)