Screw Conveyor Preventive Maintenance
A screw conveyor checklist is used to ensure proper maintenance and operation of screw conveyors, helping to identify potential issues early and prevent costly downtime and damage. A screw conveyor checklist and its benefits revolve around ensuring efficient and reliable material handling by identifying potential issues early, optimizing performance, and extending lifespan, ultimately reducing downtime and costs.
Screw Conveyor Preventive Maintenance
A screw conveyor checklist is used to ensure proper maintenance and operation of screw conveyors, helping to identify potential issues early and prevent costly downtime and damage. A screw conveyor checklist and its benefits revolve around ensuring efficient and reliable material handling by identifying potential issues early, optimizing performance, and extending lifespan, ultimately reducing downtime and costs.
Ensure before starting that it is safe to do so. No job is so important it can't be done safely.
Before beginning this task - STOP, step back and look.
Would you like to complete a Take 5 before commencing work on this proceedure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
Take 5
Take 5 minutes to step back and consider the task at hand. Identify what hazards are present and how you will control them.
Do I understand what I need to do?
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Am I trained, competent, licensed and fit to perform the task?
Do I have the correct PPE for the task?
if the answer is "oneOf [Other]"
Please list additional PPE that will be used
Do I have the suitable tools and equipment for the task
Does this task require a high risk permit - Hot works, working at heights, confined space,, rigging.
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
What permit is required?
if the answer is "oneOf [Hot works]"
Hot Work Permit
This procedure ensures the work area and all adjacent area where sparks and heat might have affected are inspected.
Time Hot Work Began:
Nature of Hot Work (Welding, Cutting, etc.):
Print Name/Company of Person Conduction Hot Work:
Print Name/Company of Designated Fire Watch:
This certifies that the work area and all adjacent area where sparks and heat might have affected were inspected during Hot Work operation and for 30 minutes after work stopped to ensure no fires were generated as a result of the Hot Work performed
Signature of Designated Fire Watch:
Click here to sign
This certifies that I have verified the nature and duration of the Hot Work, and all appropriate precautions have been followed.
Supervisor/Team Leader/Designated Trained Contractor:
Hot Work performed in a Hot Work High Hazard Area requires an additional authorizing signature. Combustibles must be moved or covered within 50 feet and non-working fire watch is required.
Manager/Designated Person by Site Manager:
Required Precautions with 35 feet of all Hot Work Operations
Smoke detectors are isolated if required
Fire extinguishers are available
Hot Work equipment is in good repair
It is not possible to perform work in the maintenance shop
All flammable liquids removed from area
All product (or chemical) dust/build-up removed. All oil removed. This includes food grade oil (orange/lemon oil
All combustible liquids removed or protected with fire-resistant tarps
Floors are swept and clear of debris
Nearby personnel and equipment protected from sparks though the use of screens, barriers, and fire-resistant tarps
If welding on walls, construction is noncombustible and without combustible covering or insulation
If welding on metal walls, combustibles are removed form the opposite wall
All wall and floor openings are covered
Enclosed equipment is cleared of all combustibles
If welding on a grate overhead, there are fire watchers at both levels
Other affected Supervisor and/or Team Leaders were notified of this work
Section #1
Area has been left safe and this permit can be closed.
Click here to sign
if the answer is "oneOf [Confined space]"
Confined Space Entry Permit
Plant/ Area / Location of Work
Work to be completed
Date Work to be completed
Competent Person/s supervising job
Stand By Person /s
Secured From Engulfment
Rescue Procedure In Place
Isolation / Lockout Requirements
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
Airline Respirator
Work Area Ventilated
Audible Alarm
Risk Assessment Completed
Safety Harness
Life Line
Communication Required
Fire & First Aid Equipment Available
Atmospheric Testing done
Authorised Gas Tester Name
Authorised Gas Tester Signature
Click here to sign
Authorized Gas Tester Date & Time
Oxygen level PPM
Carbon Monoxide PPM
Hydrogen Sulphide PPM
Explosive Atmosphere LEL
Repeat Gas Tests Results if Required
Site Manager/Supervisor Approval /Person in charge of job
Permit Approval Signiture
Click here to sign
Persons Entering Confined Space and time
Persons Exiting Confined Space and Time
Emergency Response / Rescue Plan
Is the Standby person competent for the position?
Stand By supplied with a radio and tested?
Emergency Response Plan Available and Personnel Aware of Procedures
Are Emergency external resources contact lists available?
List the rescue procedure/equipment you must have in place
Are there any hazards above, below, behind or inside?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
Please indicate what hazards are present and how they are to be controlled.
if the answer is "oneOf [Traffic management - Vehicle or plant movement in or around work area.]"
What vehicle or mobile plant hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Stored energy - Electrical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic]"
What stored energy Hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Pressure - Contact with pressurised fluid, air or gas]"
What hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Environmental - Spills, odours, airborne emissions]"
What environmental hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of environmental damage?
if the answer is "oneOf [Noise]"
What Noise hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Gravity - Slips trips and Falls. Struck by a falling object.]"
What Hazards are present in relation to gravity? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Electrical hazards - Live work, leads and power tools, wet areas.]"
What Electrical hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Exposure to Dust and Fume - Welding, airborne dust or fibres.]"
What dust or fume hazards are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
if the answer is "oneOf [Exposure to Chemicals - Handling, inhalation, contact with substances]"
What chemicals are present? What controls are to be used to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure?
Is it safe to proceed?
Are all energy sources isolated and locked out.
Is it safe to proceed?
Screw inspection.
If you are unable to complete all then leave blank. You can exit at any time and the changes you have made, including notes etc will be saved. The work order will remain open until the checklist is complete. If any faults are found and a Fail is recorded a new work order based upon the notes you provide will be generated when this work order is completed. Please ensure that you enter as much detail in the notes as possible, including pictures.
Check condition of trough, covers and guards. Ensure all fasteners are installed and secure.
Check structural condition of trough, check welds for cracks and defects
Check condition of screw for abnormal wear or damaged flights.
Check hanger retaining bolts are in place and secure.
Visually check the hanger is properly aligned and not bent or twisted.
Visually check there is no sign of damage or overheating of the bearing or retainer.
Check bearing cover bolts are in place and secure.
Check for oil leaks at the gearbox.
Inspect and clean the motor fan and housing.
Check motor mount to gearbox.
Check drive coupling.
Replace all covers and guards. Run in manual and ensure there is no abnormal noise or vibration.
Is there anything outstanding. Is this equipment ready to go back in service
Completed by.
Sign off.
Click here to sign
Procedure review.
Is there anything about the above procedure that needs to be changed? Is the procedure accurate and relevant to the task?
Does this procedure require any changes?
Source: Impact Fertilisers - Manufacturing (Community Member)