
B-PM Monthly Marel Preventive Maintenance

Ensuring that equipment is properly maintained and maintenance teams have completed tasks on time.
Pacific Seafood MAREL

B-PM Monthly Marel Preventive Maintenance

This form is used to ensure that the equipment is properly maintained and that the maintenance teams have completed the task on time.

    Check the knife guide units: make sure there is no abnormal wear when you turn the knife inside the knife guide.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Make sure the steel safety switches on the safety covers are in order.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Ensure all E-stops are OPERATIONAL

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check the vision unit window panes for scratches and dirt

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Ensure all water lines going to Marel are not leaking

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Inspect Knife for any Burrs,knicks and or any other damage.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


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Source: Pacific Seafood MAREL (Community Member)

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