COSHH/DSEAR Assessment Record
This template helps in properly recording assessments for COSHH and DSEAR compliance.
COSHH/DSEAR Assessment Record
Product Name:
Product Description - Activity/Details of Use
Product Picture
Add or drag pictures
SDS Reference
SDS Date
Assessor Details
Assessor's Name
People at Risk
Date of Assessment
Assessor's Signature
Click here to sign
Review Date
Tick if a Hazard
If Other, please state here:
Indicate below which form the substance takes
If Other, please state here:
Indicate below which route(s) of exposure the substance takes
If Other, please state here:
Further Information
Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs)
Long-term exposure level
Short-term exposure level
List the risks to health below from exposure to the substance
Personal Protective Equipment
List below control measures eg extraction, ventilation, supervision, include additonal controls for vulnerable persons where necessary
Further Information
Storage and Transport
Emergency Action
Fire Actions
Steps to be taken by Staff
Emergency Services Information
First Aid
Details of Substance
Details of hazard/dangerous substances which the product contains
Is health surveillance or monitoring required? (remember health surveillance may be required for vulnerable persons eg pregnant/young workers those with asthma, dermatitis etc)
Hazardous properties (include risk phasse (R)):
Manufacturers' limitations of use
Risk Control measures for normal use
Describe any exposure monitoring and health surveillance
Risk Control measures already in place
New or Improved Risk Control measures required
Chemical Reaction to be avoided
Maintenance Arrangements e.g. gor extraction systems, PPE, etc..
Assessment of Risk
With the above risk controls the risk is
Is the risk adequately controller?
Can the substance be substituted for ibe that is less hazardous?
Source: Mountview (Community Member)