
COSHH/DSEAR Assessment Record

This template helps in properly recording assessments for COSHH and DSEAR compliance.

COSHH/DSEAR Assessment Record

This template helps in properly recording assessments for COSHH and DSEAR compliance.

    Product Name:

    Product Description - Activity/Details of Use

    Product Picture

    Add or drag pictures

    SDS Reference

    SDS Date

    Assessor Details

    Assessor's Name


    Date of Assessment

    Assessor's Signature

    Click here to sign

    Review Date



    Tick if a Hazard

    If Other, please state here:

    Further Information


    Personal Protective Equipment

    Further Information

    Storage and Transport


    Emergency Action



    Fire Actions

    Steps to be taken by Staff

    Emergency Services Information

    First Aid





    Details of Substance

    Details of hazard/dangerous substances which the product contains

    Workplace exposure limits which apply

    Level,, type and duration of potential exposure

    Hazardous properties (include risk phasse (R)):

    Manufacturers' limitations of use

    Risk Control measures for normal use

    Describe any exposure monitoringand health surveillance

    Risk Control measures already in place

    New or Improved Risk Control measures required

    Chemical Reaction to be avoided

    Maintenance Arrangements e.g. gor extraction systems, PPE, etc..

    Assessment of Risk

    With the above risj controls the risk is

    Is the risk adequately controller?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A

    Can the substance be substituted for ibe that is less hazardous?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
Source: Mountview (Community Member)

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