
Radar Gauge Cleaning

Cleaning your Radar Gauge on a regular basis can prolong the lifespan of equipment. Maintaining the cleanliness of your area can also boost employee morale and prevent health hazards. If possible, clean radars when tank is empty. Only trained operators should be performing task. Ensure no tank movements at the time of cleaning. Be aware of H2S hazards.
Ergon - Lubbock 14842

Radar Gauge Cleaning

Cleaning your Radar Gauge on a regular basis can prolong the lifespan of equipment. Maintaining the cleanliness of your area can also boost employee morale and prevent health hazards. If possible, clean radars when tank is empty. Only trained operators should be performing task. Ensure no tank movements at the time of cleaning. Be aware of H2S hazards.
Source: Ergon - Lubbock 14842 (Community Member)

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