Shop Safety Self-Inspection Checklist
Use this checklist to conduct self-inspections that help eliminate workplace hazards, maintain safety requirements, and prepare the shop for inspections by the EH&S Safety Manager. This Checklist is not all inclusive and should be modified to reflect the unique hazards that are present in different shops.
Shop Safety Self-Inspection Checklist
Use this checklist to conduct self-inspections that help eliminate workplace hazards, maintain safety requirements, and prepare the shop for inspections by the EH&S Safety Manager. This Checklist is not all inclusive and should be modified to reflect the unique hazards that are present in different shops.
Person Conducting Inspection:
Shop Safety Coordinator:
Are all administrative documents, i.e., Shop Safety Plan, SOP’s, MyChem inventory, up-to-date and available for review?
Are current after hours phone numbers posted?
Do shop users have ready access to SDS/MSDSs?
Is shop access limited to trained and authorized personnel?
Are appropriate fire department permits current and posted if required?
Is someone trained in First Aid and CPR available?
Have all shop users received all necessary training for their work in the shop?
Is all required PPE (respiratory protection, hearing protection, eye and face protection) available and in good condition for shop users and visitors?
Are all shop users wearing long pants, sleeved shirts and appropriate footwear and are loose clothing, hair and jewelry restricted while working in the shop?
Are emergency supplies (first aid kit, spill kit) available?
Are eyewash/showers accessible within 10 seconds (approximately 50 feet), free of obstructions, and have documented inspections?
Have fire extinguishers been inspected in the past year and are they secured and easily accessible?
Are fire doors not obstructed or wedged open?
Are aisles, exits, fire doors and adjoining hallways free of obstructions?
Are extension cords in good condition, appropriately rated and used properly? (No daisy chains and no long term usage).
Is the shop neat and orderly? A place for everything and everything in its place? Clean with no slip, trip or fall hazards?
Are all electrical panels accessible and are the circuits properly labeled?
Is there adequate, permanent lighting to complete all tasks in the shop safely?
Are heavy items stored low enough to prevent falling on people and for lifting safely?
Are all chemical and chemical waste containers clearly labeled with their contents and primary hazard(s)?
Are hazardous materials properly stored and are storage cabinets properly labeled and secured?
Is the amount of flammable liquids outside of storage cabinets under 10 gallons?
Are safe walkways and restricted areas clearly marked around shop machinery and dangerous processes?
Are top heavy machines, file cabinets and shelving secured?
Are all blade, shaft, bit, belt and pulley guards in place to prevent injuries during machine operation?
Is stationary shop equipment capable of being locked out for maintenance?
Are all shop tools and equipment (powered and unpowered) maintained in a good state of repair (sharp, clean, functional)?
Are all gas cylinders secured at all times, and are those not in use with caps in place and appropriately segregated?
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)