
IVP Weekly PMs

Weekly Preventive Maintenance is a proactive approach to maintaining equipment or facilities to prevent breakdowns and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs. It helps avoid unexpected downtime and repairs, and also helps extend the life of equipment and facilities, saving money in the long run.
Pacific Seafood - Woodland

IVP Weekly PMs

Weekly Preventive Maintenance is a proactive approach to maintaining equipment or facilities to prevent breakdowns and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs. It helps avoid unexpected downtime and repairs, and also helps extend the life of equipment and facilities, saving money in the long run.

    Tools and Parts [Herramientas y Partes]

    Tools and parts needed for this PM [Herramientas y piezas necesarias para este PM]

    Secure the Machine [Asegure la máquina]

    De-energize and lock out the IVP. Make sure... [Desconecte y bloquee el IVP. Cerciorarse...]

    Sealing Station [Estación de sellado]

    When cleaning the sealing plate make sure.... [Cuando limpie la placa de sellado, asegúrese de...]

    • Picture2.png

    Film Trim Removal

    • 123.png
    • 456.png

    Longitudinal Cutting Unit [Unidad de corte longitudinal]

    • LongitudinalCuttingUnit.PNG
    • RotCuttersClean.png

    Are all the circular blades centered in their anvil?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"

    Cross Cutting Unit [Unidad de corte transversal]

    • crosscutteranvils.png

    Water Connection [Conexión de agua]

    Check cooling water lines for damage, tight fitting connections, and leaks. [Revise las líneas de agua de enfriamiento para detectar daños, conexiones ajustadas y fugas.]

    • WaterLines.png
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Vacuum Hose

    Check the vacuum hose for damage [Compruebe si la manguera de vacío está dañada].

    • hose.jpg
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Chain Lubrication

    • 1.png

    Do both chains have a thin coating of chain oil? [¿Ambas cadenas tienen una fina capa de aceite para cadenas?]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"

    Film Vacuum System [Sistema de vacío de película]

    Make sure the suction unit's 2 nozzles are [Asegúrese de que las 2 boquillas de la unidad de succión estén] :

    • FilmNozzle.png

    The gasket for the film collection vacuum is in good condition. [La junta del aspirador de recogida de películas está en buen estado.]

    • Gasket.png
    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "oneOf [FLAG,FAIL]"

    Film Infeed Guards [Protectores de entrada de película]

    The bolts for the film infeed guards are in place and tight [Los pernos de las protecciones de alimentación de película están en su lugar y apretados.]

    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"

    Cleanup [Limpiar]

    Sign Off [Cerrar sesión]

    Name [Nombre]

    Signature [Firma]

    Click here to sign
Source: Pacific Seafood - Woodland (Community Member)

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