
Smart Rail CA Conveyor Quarterly Preventive Maintenance

Follow this quarterly maintenance and inspection of your machine to ensure all components are in good working condition - overall machine observation, rails, chain and sprocket, rail stops, motor and photo sensor.
Cintas 4R

Smart Rail CA Conveyor Quarterly Preventive Maintenance

Follow this quarterly maintenance and inspection of your machine to ensure all components are in good working condition - overall machine observation, rails, chain and sprocket, rail stops, motor and photo sensor.


    All hazardous energy has been isolated using LOTO procedures?

    All potential stored or residual energy has been relieved, disconnected, restrained, lowered, and/or otherwise rendered safe?


    LOTO Performed?

    Machine Observation

    Perform LOTO in accordance with the LOTO risk assessment.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Teflon guide

    Inspect and replace damaged line as required.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Keep the slide and interior section of rail surface clean from dirt and dust.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Chain and sprocket

    Clean chain of excess dirt and dust

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Lubricate Chain

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check chain and sprocket tension and alignment.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check for excessive wear from improper tension and alignment.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Rail Stops

    Remove and clean all stops.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail


    Check that motor is properly ventilated (Free from Lint)

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Check that VFD is properly ventilated (Free from Lint)

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail

    Photo Sensor

    Clean and inspect duck pendant sensor for proper alignment.

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
Source: Cintas 4R (Community Member)

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