
Multivac R245 Yearly PMs

Planned preventative maintenance (PPM) or Annual PM allows you to substantially reduce reactive maintenance and retain your buildings and assets in the desired or needed quality. Planned preventative maintenance is either time-based or condition monitored. Here we explore time-based maintenance vs condition-based maintenance.
Pacific Seafood - Woodland

Multivac R245 Yearly PMs

Planned preventative maintenance (PPM) or Annual PM allows you to substantially reduce reactive maintenance and retain your buildings and assets in the desired or needed quality. Planned preventative maintenance is either time-based or condition monitored. Here we explore time-based maintenance vs condition-based maintenance.

    Procedure Setup

    Tools and Parts [Herramientas y Partes]

    The following tools will be needed [Se necesitarán las siguientes herramientas]

    Maintenance Procedure

    Battery Check [Comprobación de la batería]

    Is the main battery back less than 5 years old (year written on battery)? [¿La batería principal tiene menos de 5 años (año escrito en la batería)?]

    • MainBattery.png
    • Yes
    • No
    • N / A
    if the answer is "oneOf [No]"

    Screen Battery

    • screen.jpg

    Air-Preparation Filter

    Record the air preparation unit pressure setting (found in the air cabinet). [Registre el ajuste de presión de la unidad de preparación de aire (que se encuentra en el gabinete de aire).]

    • 5f7bbda4-1354-4843-85dc-5839f8ecef3e_Capture.png

    De-pressurize the air preparation unit.

    Re-pressurize the system [Vuelva a presurizar el sistema]:

    Flange Bearing Lubrication [Lubricación de cojinetes de brida]

    Lubricate the flange bearings at the lubricating nipples [Lubrique los cojinetes de brida en las boquillas de lubricación]:

    • bfbd4ce7-6635-4009-a98f-b693cdb5217a_FlangeBearing.png

    Pedestal Bearings Lubrication [Lubricación de cojinetes de pedestal]

    • 07423ffc-c398-4de9-a195-270bfe9e7649_PedestalBearing.png

    Final Procedure

    Cleanup [Limpiar]

Source: Pacific Seafood - Woodland (Community Member)

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