Fridley Incident Reporting Procedure
Use this procedure for any incident or accident, personal or asset based and follow the proper reporting process.
Fridley Incident Reporting Procedure
Use this procedure for any incident or accident, personal or asset based and follow the proper reporting process.
Incident Communication Tree
Add or drag pictures
Location of accident
Asset involved
Asset towed from scene?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
Where was asset towed to a Voigt Facility?
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
Where was asset towed to?
Name of tow company Phone number of tow company Address of tow company Location asset was towed to
Company drivers involved
Injuries to Company driver
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
if the answer is "oneOf [Driver was driven to hospital/ care facility in another vehicle, non-emergency]"
What care facility?
if the answer is "oneOf [Driver was taken by emergancy vehicle to hospital / care facility]"
What care facility
Other vehicle driver involved contact information
Name of other driver Phone Number Address if available Drivers License Number
Passengers on Board?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
How many paassengers onboard?
Are there injuries to passengers?
if the answer is "oneOf [yes]"
How many were taken by emergency vehicle?
How many were taken by non-emergency vehicle
Injuries to other vehicle driver?
if the answer is "oneOf [Yes]"
if the answer is "oneOf [Other driver was driven to hospital/ care facility in another vehicle, non-emergency]"
What care facility?
if the answer is "oneOf [Other driver was taken by emergancy vehicle to hospital / care facility]"
What care facility
Post Accident
Direction Voigt asset was traveling
Direction other vehicle was traveling
Time of day
Weather conditions
Road conditions
Other parties insurance information
Name of insurance company Address of insurance company Phone Policy Number
Insurance adjuster contact information for other party
Insurance/Adjuster company Name Name of adjuster Email address Phone Number Mailing/office address
Other party Claim Number
Full claim number here
Insurance adjuster contact information for Voigt
Cost of repair estimate for other vehicle
Place copy of estimate here
Add or drag pictures
Cost of repair estimate for other vehicle
Dollar cost of repair for other parties vehicle from estimate here
Cost of repair estimate for Voigt Asset
Place copy of estimate here
Add or drag pictures
Cost of repair estimate for Voigt Asset
Dollar Cost of repair from estimate here for Voigt Company asset
Sign off on the accident report
Click here to sign
Claim Payment/ Financials
Money received from Insurance Company for Voigt Asset
Copy of Check from Insurance
Add or drag pictures
Is this accident paid in Full?
if the answer is "oneOf [No]"
How much is short paid on repair of Voigt Asset
Is this accident closed?
if the answer is "oneOf [yes]"
Date accident closed
Accident has been closed by Type Name
Accident has been closed by sign name
Click here to sign
Source: Fridley - Voigt Bus (Community Member)