First Aid Kit (small) 3 Monthly Check
Check on first aid provisions on a 3 monthly basis making sure contents is correct and where applicable all in date
First Aid Kit (small) 3 Monthly Check
Check on first aid provisions on a 3 monthly basis making sure contents is correct and where applicable all in date
Guidance Leaflet (Basic advice on First Aid at Work)
QTY = 4 - Medium Sterile Dressing (12x12cm)
QTY = 1 - Large Sterile Dressing (18x18cm)
QTY = 2 - Single Use Triangular Dressing (90x127cm)
QTY = 12 - Safety Pins (Assorted Sizes)
QTY = 2 - Eye Pad Dressing with Sterile Bandage
QTY = 40 - Plasters (Assorted Sizes)
QTY = 20 - Sterile Cleansing Wipes
QTY = 1 - Microporous Tape
QTY = 6 pairs - Disposable Nitrile Gloves
QTY = 1 - Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation Device with Valve
QTY = 1 - Foil Blanket (Adult Size)
QTY = 1 - Burn Relief Dressing (10x10cm)
QTY = 1 - Clothing Shears
QTY = 1 - Conforming Bandage
QTY = 2 - Finger Dressing with Adhesive Fixing
QTY = 10 - Eye Wash Pods & in date (if applicable)
Name of First Aider completing the check
Date check completed
Source: Flexeserve - Facilities Management (Community Member)