Chenal Country Club Inspection Checklist
Country Club Inspection typically involves evaluating the facilities, services, staff, and overall operations of a country club. This process ensures that the club maintains high standards, complies with regulations, and provides an exceptional experience for its members. It also helps spot inefficiencies in daily operations, which can save costs and improve the overall functioning of the club.
Chenal Country Club Inspection Checklist
Country Club Inspection typically involves evaluating the facilities, services, staff, and overall operations of a country club. This process ensures that the club maintains high standards, complies with regulations, and provides an exceptional experience for its members. It also helps spot inefficiencies in daily operations, which can save costs and improve the overall functioning of the club.
General housekeeping
Combustibles removed from designated smoking areas
Floors clear of spills, cracks, or other tripping hazards
Weeds/combustibles removed next to building (over 20’)
Sidewalks clear of cracks, ice, and slip, trip, and fall hazards
Stairway treads, railings secured
Stairwells clear and well lit
Floor mats in good condition
Employee areas well marked
Fire protection/Life safety
Extinguishers visible, unobstructed, inspected, tagged, and charged
Emergency phone numbers posted
Incident reporting protocol in place
Emergency lighting maintained, exits illuminated for emergencies
Fire alarm tested and drills performed regularly
Exits clear, marked visibly, unlocked
Panic hardware or door alarms provided and in working order
Emergency evacuation routes clearly posted
Flammable liquids stored, handled, and dispensed in a safe manner
Electrical hazards
Switches/junction boxes covered
No exposed wires/connections
Portable electric tools grounded and polarized
GFCIs provided within 3 feet of water sources
Minimum 3-feet clearance maintained in front of electrical panels
Surge protection provided for electronic equipment
Heating and ventilation
Units checked annually by qualified contractor
Inspection certificates on file
Clearance at least 3 feet from all combustibles to ventilation system and heated equipment
Locker rooms
Lockers and storage areas free of hazards
Mirrors are in good condition, no chips
Showers are clean, tiles secured
Floors clean, dry, and in good condition
Pro shop
Floors clear of slip and trip hazards
Display racks free of hazards
No display racks in aisles
Counter top displays not hanging off edge of counter
Boxes and packaging removed from area
Vending machines
Machines securely fastened to wall
Machines electrically grounded, no damaged cords
Food service and bar areas
Floor clear of tripping hazards, clean and dry
Changes in floor elevation well lit
Counter tops, tables, tools, and chairs in good condition
Utensils in good condition
Glassware in good condition
Food receiving area is clean
Kitchen is free of insects and rodents
All inspection reports on file
Supplies stored off the floor
Non-food items separate from food items
Food stored in original containers and labeled
Toxic materials/cleaning supplies stored separately
Shelving is clean
Floor is clean and free from trash
Hot foods are 140 degrees or hotter
Thermometers are being used and good condition
Temperature records are updated
Utensils are in good condition
Cutting boards separated for vegetables and meat
Cooking area free of all grease and accumulation
Food preparation surfaces clean and sanitized
Aisle space is maintained
Gloves being used
Hairnets being used
Sanitation records up to date
Dishwasher sprayer is clean and unclogged
Workstation in dish room is clear of obstacles
Refrigerated foods are kept at 45 degrees or colder
Frozen food is kept at 0 degrees
Freezer coils are free of frost
Cooking equipment
Food is free of spoilage
Units are clear of mold and odor
Filters are cleaned
Ventilation and hoods are cleaned on a regular basis
Fire suppression system is maintained semi-annually
A K-type fire extinguisher is present and maintained
Items noted for improvement
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Corrective action taken
Correction by:
Date: _
Final inspection by:
Source: MaintainX (Community Member)