
Quarter 3 HVAC Maintenance Checklist

This document serves as a detailed guide for Ontario Refrigeration to complete the quarterly HVAC maintenance, ensuring all essential components are inspected, tested, and maintained for optimal performance.

Quarter 3 HVAC Maintenance Checklist

This procedure serves as a detailed guide for Ontario Refrigeration to complete the quarterly HVAC maintenance, ensuring all essential components are inspected, tested, and maintained for optimal performance.

    Test thermostat operation

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Please add photo of problem area

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Describe problem and action taken

    Inspect electrical wiring

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Please add photo of problem area

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Describe problem and action taken

    Test system capacity (Includes refrigerant level check)

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Please add photo of problem area

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Describe problem and action taken

    Test relays and contactors

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Please add photo of problem area

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Describe problem and action taken

    Check motor amp draw and motor temperature

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "oneOf [PASS,FAIL,FLAG]"

    Please enter amperage draw

    if the answer is "oneOf [PASS,FLAG,FAIL]"

    Please enter motor temperature

    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Please add photo of problem area

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Describe problem and action taken

    Check overall system noise and vibration

    • Pass
    • Flag
    • Fail
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Please add of photo of problem area

    Add or drag pictures
    if the answer is "noneOf [PASS]"

    Describe problem and action taken

    Please sign here when complete

    Click here to sign
Source: Cavco (Community Member)

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