Jake's Facility Inspection
A Facility Inspection is an integral part of a proactive approach to risk management. By conducting regular inspections, potential hazards can be identified and addressed before they lead to accidents or injuries.
Jake's Facility Inspection
A Facility Inspection is an integral part of a proactive approach to risk management. By conducting regular inspections, potential hazards can be identified and addressed before they lead to accidents or injuries.
Grounds Inspection
Do any paved areas need repair?
Is vegetation growing over 18-inch around perimeter of the building?
Does grass need mowing?
Do parking lot bumper blocks need repositioning?
Is there stagnant rainwater anywhere on the property?
Are there rodent borrows which need to be destroyed?
Does the dumpster area need cleaning or lids need to be replaced?
Are there any unessential materials lying about the premises?
Is the grass around the office in need of water, fertilizer, or treatment of disease?
Is all trash along fence clear?
Is the elevator functioning properly?
Is the elevator inspection certificate up to date?
Does the maintenance area/shop need cleaning/organizing?
Are any storage rack bars or uprights bent or damaged to the extent that replacement is necessary?
Is there safe clearance for equipment through aisles and doorways?
Do all eyewash stations work properly? And inspected card signed each month for operation.
Are all areas adequately illuminated?
Is the fire alarm system tested annually as required?
Are extinguishers selected for type of materials in the areas where the extinguishers are to be used?
Have all extinguishers been serviced, inspected monthly, maintained and tagged at intervals not to exceed one year?
Are extinguishers fully charged and mounted in designated places?
Are the fire extinguishers properly located so maximum travel distance does not exceed 75 feet?
Are extinguishers located along normal paths of travel?
Are extinguishers free from obstruction or blockage?
Are smoke alarms operable?
Are combustibles/flammables properly segregated / contained?
Are “No Smoking” signs posted?
Are automatic sprinkler system water control valves, air and water pressure checked weekly/periodically as required?
Is a minimum of 18 inch clearance between stock storage and sprinkler piping maintained? (36 in. is preferred)
Are all exits marked with an exit sign and properly illuminated/emergency lighting operable?
Are doors, passageways or stairways that are neither exits nor access to exits and which could be mistaken for exits, appropriately marked as “NOT AN EXIT?”
Can the exit doors be opened without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort when the building is occupied?
Are stairways having four or more risers equipped with handrails?
Is lighting adequate over the stairs?
Are all stairways at least 22 inches wide?
Are stairs designed or provided with a surface that renders them slip-resistant?
Are stairs maintained free of tripping and slipping hazards?
Are floors, aisles, passageways kept clean and dry, and all spills of oil or grease cleaned up immediately?
Are floor holes, such as drains, covered?
Are permanent aisles appropriately marked?
Are all working surfaces, such as aisles and dock areas, free from clutter or obstruction?
Are signs posted indicating floor-load capacity?
Are racks and platforms always loaded within the limits of their capacity?
Are storage lofts, balconies, etc., that are more than 4 ft. above the floor protected with standard guardrails?
Are all lofts and balconies where people or machinery could be exposed to falling objects guarded with standard four-inch toe boards?
Are door openings equipped with guards or barriers when not in use?
Have defective ladders (e.g. broken rungs, side rails, etc.) been removed from service for repair or destruction and tagged as “Dangerous, DO NOT USE”?
Is it prohibited to use the top of an ordinary step ladder as a step?
Do fixed ladders have at least 3-1/2 ft. extensions at the top of the landing?
Do portable rung ladders have non-slip bases?
Are pallets properly stacked and exterior storage of pallets at safe distance (30 – 40 ft.) from building and openings?
Are floor and shelf load limits posted and observed throughout storage areas?
Are maximum storage heights established and maintained?
Is all old or unused material properly disposed of, no visible trash accumulations?
Are aisle ways designated, permanently marked, and kept clear to allow unhindered passage?
Are hoisting and lifting equipment, including ropes and chains, inspected and replaced on a scheduled basis with written records maintained and capacity limits posted and followed?
. Do all forklifts have a fire extinguisher mounted on them?
Is the 3 ft. area in front of all electrical panels kept clear at all times?
Are the doors on the electrical panels kept closed at all times?
Do circuit breakers clearly indicate whether they are in the “ON” or the “OFF” position and which areas they operate?
Are all unused openings in electrical panel boxes (knockouts) closed with appropriate covers, plugs or plates?
Are all electrical enclosures such as switches, receptacles, junction boxes, etc., provided with tight-fitting covers or plates?
Are extension cords free from splices or tape?
Do all extension cords have a ground prong connected?
Are extension cords routed in a way to prevent tripping hazards?
Are lockout/tagout procedures used when repairing or servicing equipment?
Are electrical switchgear rooms free of combustible storage?
Is all machinery equipment kept clean and properly maintained?
Are all emergency stop buttons colored red?
Are all belts, pulleys and shafts properly guarded?
Are all pinch points properly guarded?
Battery and Charging Area
Are work areas clean and orderly, with adequate ventilation?
Are there adequate emergency eyewash facilities within the work area where team members are exposed to injurious corrosive materials?
Are the emergency eyewash stations in good working order?
Are protective gloves, aprons, and shields provided and worn during all charging operations?
Doe any personal protective equipment needs replacing?
Is smoking prohibited in the battery charging area? Is there a “NO SMOKING” sign posted?
Cylinder Storage (Gas)
Are cylinders legibly marked to identify the gas they contain?
Are compressed gas cylinders stored in areas away from heat sources?
. Are cylinders stored in a manner to prevent them from tipping, falling, or rolling?
Are “NO SMOKING” signs posted in the storage area?
Are gas cylinders protected from being struck by vehicles?
Do all stored cylinders have a cap on them?
Are fire extinguishers accessible and their locations clearly designated?
Ensure that all hoses have back flow preventers installed.
Are team members instructed on procedures for opening and closing premises?
Are exterior doors provided with dead bolt locks?
Are roof openings, sun windows, skylights, not visible from street provided with proper protection of steel bars, metal grates, wire mesh, etc.?
Are interior premises and exterior premises well illuminated during non-operating hours?
Is adequate lighting provided for exterior lot and yard area?
Are overhead doors provided with channel locks, or electrical switches locked out?
Is an alarm system provided, maintained, and tested periodically, and service contract maintained?
Are exterior fences in good repair? Are lock-up procedures in place and practiced?
Are bushes and shrubbery around entrances trimmed?
Building Maintenance
Are there any cracks or crevices in walls or floors
Are there any openings at the top of concrete block walls which should be capped?
Are there any inside walls which should be cleaned?
Are there any holes of greater than 1/4 inch in size beneath doors or dock plates which should be filled?
Do door seals show light and require adjustments?
Do any unused doors need securing?
Are there any areas which require additional lighting?
Are there any burned out bulbs which need to be replaced in the warehouse?
Do any floor drain covers require a seal?
Are there cracks in any of the exterior walls which need to be repaired?
Is there any indication that gutters or downspouts are clogged or damaged?
Do any of the dock leveler walls need to be cleaned or repaired?
Do any security lights require maintenance?
Are all external drains free of trash and leaves?
Pest Control
Is there any evidence of rodents, birds, or insects within the building?
Any other areas that need to be sprayed with pesticide for insects?
Are there any traps which need new bait?
Are insecticides stored in locked cabinets?
Fall protection
The nylon webbing is not torn, frayed, broken fibers, pulled stitches, or frayed edges anywhere on the harness.
Does the D ring show signs of excessive wear, pits, deterioration or cracks?
Are buckles deformed, or cracked?
Are all rivets tight, not deformed?
Does tongue/straps show signs of excessive wear from repeated buckling.
Does lanyard material have cuts, burns, abrasions, kinks, knots, broken stitches and excessive wear?
Does the snap hook functionally hook, lock in place?
Does the carabiner show excessive wear, distortion, and lock operation?
Does the shock absorber show any signs of damage?
Is the monthly inspection tag on all harnesses initialed?
Does the scissors lift show any signs of damage to cage, wheels or controller?
Source: Jake's Finer Foods (Community Member)