Start up checks
Startup Inspection outlines the checks and inspections to be performed during the startup process to ensure equipment readiness and operational efficiency.
Start up checks
Startup Inspection outlines the checks and inspections to be performed during the startup process to ensure equipment readiness and operational efficiency.
Grease decanter
Decanter on
Turn the tap to the on position on the floor
When decanter is ready put decanter in automatic (approx 10 minutes)
Check RTO is running
Check oven burners have started and temperatures are set correctly.
Check system tank levels
Check Detac flow sensors are fluctuating. (Ensure they are spraying in the booth you are checking as it will show 0 if they are not spraying).
Check water temperature is climbing on the first tank (between 45-50)
Check Boiler House for no faults
Booth humidity and temp
AHU water drains
Check all ABB drive units are not in fault. (On mez floor above maintenance area 10 in total.
Check paint plant screen for fault and rectify if required.
Check Air Shower is operational - Reset If Required
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Source: Polytec (Community Member)